In 1996, when Evan Chandler sued Jackson for breaching the confidentiality terms of their settlement, this transcript came to light. It was phone conversations secretly recorded by Jordan Chandler’s stepfather Dave Schwartz in 1993, at Jackson’s private investigator Anthony Pellicano’s behest. Portions of this conversation, taken out of context, are often used by fans to “prove” Evan Chandler was “extorting” Michael Jackson.
A full read shows rather a father who is concerned about his son, angry that he hasn’t been able to see Jordan for six weeks due to Jackson’t undue influence, and the pain at the loss of the close, co-operative friendship he had with his ex-wife June Chandler.
It’s a long read but well worth it when it comes to understanding Evan Chandler. Nothing has been left out.
6 VS. ) SC 031 774
10 ———————————————————– )
25 FILE NO. TPA81793.MK
1 I N D E X
2 between Dave Schwartz and Evan Chandler:
4 MR. CHANDLER: — discuss why it might
5 be harmful.
6 Suppose I’m right? I mean if Michael
7 loves [tape irregularity] Lisa at least want to
8 hear my opinion about why what’s going on could be
9 potentially harmful? If you love somebody, you
10 don’t want them to get hurt.
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you want to talk it
12 in front of Jordy, about that?
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you want to talk
15 about that in front of Jordy?
16 MR. CHANDLER: Oh, yeah, absolutely.
17 He has to be there.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
19 MR. CHANDLER: He has to be there, and
20 one of the reasons that he has to be there is
21 because he’s always gonna remember it. Somebody
22 has to be the — there’s gotta be some one person
23 that later on in life he can look back on and kind
24 of pattern himself after someone or have some
25 structure for his own existence, based on — he’ll
1 look at me, and he’ll say, “Yeah. He was honest,
2 he had integrity, he had respect. I could trust
3 him. He never lied to me,” all that kind of stuff.
4 He may hate me now. He may not be able
5 to articulate all of those things in his own head
6 right now, but when he sees it, it’ll be in his
7 head, and when he’s old enough there will be those
8 things that will be important to him. Hopefully
9 I’ll be able to portray those things to him,
10 because I think they’re important.
11 I also think it’s incredibly important
12 to have somebody else in your life that really
13 loves you and you really love them because if
14 you’re [tape irregularity] happy.
15 I’ve never seen a single solo, isolated
16 human being who was truly happy —
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
18 MR. CHANDLER: — and that’s what’s
19 going to happen to Jordy.
20 I think that’s June’s situation.
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: June has nobody. You
23 tell me who June has. You tell me who June has who
24 really loves her, who she really loves back, you
25 can’t think of one person.
1 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, I can.
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: Gloria.
4 MR. CHANDLER: Gloria.
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: Really.
6 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
7 inaudible.)
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: Gloria, Nadine or Florence.
9 She’s pretty close with her friends.
10 MR. CHANDLER: Nah, she’s —
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: She’s — wait.
12 MR. CHANDLER: She believes that —
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: She’s close with you.
14 MR. CHANDLER: — four or five cups of
15 caffeine in the morning and gets on the phone and
16 yaps (inaudible) all day, you commiserate about
17 their miseries —
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: But, you know, here’s
19 the whole thing. We can’t, you know, I can’t put
20 her down that all she’s doing is hanging out. It’s
21 not so horrible.
22 MR. CHANDLER: That what?
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: That, you know, I mean,
24 she’s into hanging out.
25 MR. CHANDLER: Hanging out is okay.
1 MR. SCHWARTZ: I know. She’s —
2 MR. CHANDLER: Hanging out’s kind of a
3 benign thing. She’s not hanging out anymore. When
4 she stopped hanging out —
6 MR. CHANDLER: — and became actively
7 destructive in Jordy’s life is when I stepped in
8 and when I decided I have to do something about it.
9 I tried to talk to her about it, Dave,
10 on several occasions.
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, we know she’s hard
12 to talk to.
13 MR. CHANDLER: Well, if you could — if
14 you could — yes. I mean, that’s unquestionable.
15 She is impossible to talk to. And I’ve never
16 really — I mean, I’ve gotten angry with her many
17 times and —
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
19 MR. CHANDLER: — [tape irregularity]
20 long as you’ve stepped in —
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
22 MR. CHANDLER: — the issue has never
23 involved potentially harming Jordy for the rest of
24 his life —
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: [Tape irregularity.]
1 MR. CHANDLER: — issues over Jordy
2 before that I’ve backed down —
4 MR. CHANDLER: — because you asked me
5 to or whatever the reason was —
7 MR. CHANDLER: — and I’ve never
8 been — I’ve never been that set on pursuing it
9 until now because I truly believe this will damage
10 him for the rest of his life. And she will
11 not — and I’ve told her that, and I’ve tried to
12 talk to her about that —
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
14 MR. CHANDLER: — and she’s not willing
15 to talk to me about it.
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
17 MR. CHANDLER: She doesn’t even want to
18 hear what might be harming him.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
20 MR. CHANDLER: She doesn’t want to
21 even know — she doesn’t want to hear any words.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: What if —
23 MR. CHANDLER: “Get out of my face.
24 Don’t even mention that.” That’s not an issue for
25 her.
1 I mean, what kind of person is that?
2 If — I stopped taking that personally.
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, we all have
4 different ways of coping.
5 MR. CHANDLER: You see, as an adult,
6 coping’s no excuse. That’s like driving drunk and
7 saying, “I’m sorry, but I didn’t realize there was
8 a law against driving drunk” and you just ran on
9 the sidewalk.
10 The fact is you’re a responsible adult.
11 You’re supposed to have some sense and judgment,
12 and that’s how it’s going to go down.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. How about if you,
14 June and I get together?
15 MR. CHANDLER: No. Why do you keep
16 doing that?
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Because I don’t — I
18 don’t want to subject Jordy to this until — I
19 mean, I feel very uncomfortable —
20 MR. CHANDLER: Let me put it to you
21 this way: I have a set routine of words that I’m
22 going to go in there that have been rehearsed and
23 I’m going to say.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
25 MR. CHANDLER: Okay? Because I don’t
1 want to say anything that could be used against me.
3 MR. CHANDLER: So I know exactly what I
4 can say. That’s why I’m bringing the tape
5 recorder.
7 MR. CHANDLER: I have some things on
8 paper to show a few people —
10 MR. CHANDLER: — and that’s it. My
11 whole part is going to take two or three minutes,
12 and I’m going to turn around [tape irregularity],
13 and that’s it. There’s not going to be anything
14 said, other than what I’ve been told to say —
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: — and I’m going to turn
17 around and leave, and they’re going to have a
18 decision to make.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
20 MR. CHANDLER: And based on that
21 decision, I’ll decide whether or not we’re going to
22 talk again or whether it’s going to go further.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
24 MR. CHANDLER: I have to make a phone
25 call. As soon as I leave the house, I get on the
1 telephone.
3 MR. CHANDLER: I make a phone call.
5 MR. CHANDLER: Say “Go” or I say,
6 “Don’t go yet,” and that’s —
8 MR. CHANDLER: — the way it’s gonna to
9 be.
10 I’ve been told what to do, and I have
11 to do it.
12 I’m not — I happen to know what’s
13 going to be going on, see? They don’t have to say
14 anything to me. [Tape irregularity] “you have
15 refused to listen to me. Now you’re going to have
16 to listen to me. This is my position. Give it a
17 thought.”
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
19 MR. CHANDLER: “Think it over.”
20 I’m not saying anything bad about
21 anybody, okay? I’ve got it all on paper.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: I’m going to hand out
24 the paper so that I don’t inadvertently [tape
25 irregularity], handing out the paper, “Michael,
1 here’s your paper. June, here’s your paper.”
3 MR. CHANDLER: “Compare papers. Read
4 this whole thing. This is my feelings about it.
5 Do you want to talk further? We’ll talk again.”
7 MR. CHANDLER: “If you don’t” [tape
8 irregularity] — but, see, all I’m trying to do
9 now, they have forced me to go [tape irregularity]
10 on paper and give it to them to read —
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: — because [tape
13 irregularity]. I mean, isn’t that pitiful?
14 Now, why would they want to cut me out,
15 to go this far, spend this much money, spend so
16 much time in my life crying, being away from my
17 practice, not paying [tape irregularity] everybody
18 else? Why would they want to put me through that?
19 And I made it very clear to June that she was
20 putting me through that because I didn’t want any
21 misunderstandings. I’ve done everything I could to
22 appeal to her. (Inaudible) is cold and heart- —
23 absolutely cold and heartless. That’s all —
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, maybe on the
25 surface it appears like that, but I —
1 MR. CHANDLER: I know on the surface
2 June is charming —
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: No, no. I think on the
4 surface it might appear cold, but I don’t — I
5 don’t agree with that.
6 MR. CHANDLER: Dave, “Go fuck yourself”
7 is not a surface reaction.
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: Wait. Have you
9 ever — you mean you have never done that, right?
10 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
11 inaudible) and they say “Go fuck yourself,” that’s
12 not a surface —
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: You’ve never done it?
14 MR. CHANDLER: — sorry.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: You’ve never done it? I
16 mean, have you ever got pissed at a friend and
17 gotten in an argument for three weeks?
18 MR. CHANDLER: No, no, no.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Never, ever?
20 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
21 inaudible) — like that, Dave, not consistently
22 like that.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well —
24 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
25 inaudible) — so far as to go to say, “Okay.
1 Forget about me. This is what’s going on with
2 Jordan. This is my concern,” and have her say “Go
3 fuck yourself” again. So [tape irregularity] there
4 I said, “This is not a human being I’m dealing with
5 anymore.”
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, let me ask you
7 this — I mean, did you give Jordy any ultimatums?
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. Because, see,
10 that’s how he feels trapped, I think.
11 MR. CHANDLER: Too bad.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, why — I mean —
13 MR. CHANDLER: All he has to do is talk
14 to me about it.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: I know, but how can
16 you — I mean, you know what you could do — I
17 mean, couldn’t you approach it like saying, “Jordy,
18 this is how I feel. This is why communications is
19 important. We gotta discuss this.”
20 MR. CHANDLER: This is what I said to
21 Jordy. I said, “What if I asked you not to do
22 something?” That’s how I put it.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
24 MR. CHANDLER: He said, “I wouldn’t
25 care.”
2 MR. CHANDLER: That’s what he said.
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, what’s wrong with
4 that?
5 MR. CHANDLER: What’s wrong?
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. I mean, what is
7 wrong with that?
8 MR. CHANDLER: Well, let me ask you
9 this: Never in his life, ever, would he
10 have — did he ever respond that way or would he
11 have ever responded that way —
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
13 MR. CHANDLER: — which means that
14 something has happened inside of him and in his
15 life that is now making him respond to me in a
16 totally different way. What has happened to him?
17 His mother’s changed, and Michael’s in his life,
18 and you weren’t there to balance it out. And
19 that’s it.
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right, and I wasn’t
21 there, and you’re right.
22 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: I wasn’t there to
24 discuss it with him.
25 MR. CHANDLER: So the whole thing
1 happened.
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
3 MR. CHANDLER: And that’s it.
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: So blame me.
5 MR. CHANDLER: Oh, I’m not blaming you.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: But it is my fault.
7 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
8 inaudible).
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: It’s my fault. I wasn’t
10 there to —
11 MR. CHANDLER: No, no. You don’t
12 understand. We’re gonna see whose fault it is.
13 And I’m gonna tell you: It isn’t up to you to
14 decide whose fault it is or up to me to decide
15 whose fault it is. Other people who are trained to
16 [tape irregularity] whose fault it is are going to
17 make that decision, and I’ll bet you anything that
18 they don’t decide that it’s your fault. You’re not
19 going to get blamed, and you can go and say
20 whatever you want. No one’s [tape irregularity]
21 they may say, “That’s very nice. Get the fuck out
22 of here, and let’s get down to the real issues,”
23 but that’s it. That’s what’s going to happen. I’m
24 not getting blamed and you’re not getting blamed.
25 And that’s — I mean —
1 MR. SCHWARTZ: But no one should get
2 blamed. I mean —
3 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
4 inaudible) talking about bottom line because that’s
5 what it’s really going to come down to —
7 MR. CHANDLER: — bottom line, no one’s
8 gonna give a shit about you in this issue.
10 MR. CHANDLER: So when you tell me that
11 I should blame you, that’s not the bottom line.
12 That’s not how it’s going to be seen (simultaneous,
13 inaudible).
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: But does there have to
15 be where someone’s at fault? Can’t it be where we
16 just work it out?
17 MR. CHANDLER: Well, you see — yeah.
18 That’s why I tried to get in touch with them, to
19 (simultaneous, inaudible) work it out —
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, well, but
21 that’s — wait.
22 MR. CHANDLER: — but they don’t want
23 to talk to me.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Wait. Well, that’s not
25 true. That is not true.
1 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
2 inaudible) till tomorrow —
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: Have you ever gone
4 through a period where you just didn’t — wait. Of
5 course you have. Of course you have.
6 MR. CHANDLER: Dave —
7 MR. SCHWARTZ: When I screamed at
8 Monique to get you to call me.
9 MR. CHANDLER: So what? That was one
10 day. Two days.
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: But it didn’t
12 matter — it can’t count the days.
13 MR. CHANDLER: Well, I have to count
14 the days because I can’t let it go on forever.
15 By the way, they’re going on tour on
16 August 15th. They’re going to be gone. They’re
17 going to be out of the country —
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
19 MR. CHANDLER: — for four months.
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Is that bad?
21 MR. CHANDLER: Well, I’m not going to
22 be able to communicate with them about this when
23 they’re gone, am I?
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, but you think
25 that —
1 MR. CHANDLER: By the way, they’re not
2 going.
4 MR. CHANDLER: They don’t know that
5 yet, but they are not going.
7 MR. CHANDLER: So, I mean, especially
8 if they don’t show up tomorrow, they’re definitely
9 not going. They’ll be lucky if Michael even —
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Let me ask you — let me
11 ask you this —
12 MR. CHANDLER: — tour (inaudible) get
13 canceled.
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, let me — let me
15 ask you this: I mean, why can’t you meet — why
16 can’t we meet after I get off work?
17 MR. CHANDLER: Because —
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, why not? What’s
19 the difference?
20 MR. CHANDLER: Seems to me it’s not
21 important enough for you to take off work to be —
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: It is important enough,
23 but I still —
24 MR. CHANDLER: Fuck your job.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Wait, wait.
1 MR. CHANDLER: It’s still going to be
2 there at 8:35. This whole thing’s going to take
3 five minutes.
5 MR. CHANDLER: I’ve already told you I
6 have — I’m not allowed to say anything more —
8 MR. CHANDLER: — than I’ve already
9 prepared. It’s on paper.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Is it your —
11 MR. CHANDLER: I’m not going in to —
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Is it because of your
13 attorney?
14 MR. CHANDLER: What?
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Because of your
16 attorney?
17 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Why don’t we meet at
19 your attorney’s office?
20 MR. CHANDLER: Well, that’s something
21 we can do if we get past tomorrow.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: He’s willing to meet
24 with them. Right now he’d like to kill them all.
25 I picked the nastiest mother-fucker I could find.
2 MR. CHANDLER: The only reason that I’m
3 meeting with them tomorrow is, the real fact of the
4 matter is —
6 MR. CHANDLER: — because of Monique.
8 MR. CHANDLER: Monique begged me to do
9 it.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
11 MR. CHANDLER: She said, “You’re out of
12 control” —
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Can Monique be there?
14 MR. CHANDLER: Tomorrow?
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: She wanted to be there,
17 but —
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: I want her to be there.
19 MR. CHANDLER: I wouldn’t let her.
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Why? Why not?
21 MR. CHANDLER: Because June hates
22 Monique.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: That’s not true.
24 MR. CHANDLER: Well, you know
25 something?
1 MR. SCHWARTZ: That is not true —
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: — at all.
4 MR. CHANDLER: Well, really! Well,
5 then that makes Jordy a liar, and that makes
6 Michael a liar.
8 MR. CHANDLER: They both told me that
9 Monique — that June —
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Wait. You can’t see
11 that whole thing?
12 MR. CHANDLER: What?
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: That’s woman jealousy.
14 MR. CHANDLER: I don’t care what —
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: It doesn’t matter —
16 MR. CHANDLER: The problem is you’re in
17 love with her so you keep on making excuses.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Wait, wait.
19 MR. CHANDLER: I’m not in love with her
20 anymore. I don’t even like her anymore.
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: You don’t know about
22 female jealousy?
23 MR. CHANDLER: I don’t care about that.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: That has nothing —
25 MR. CHANDLER: (Inaudible) Dave.
1 That’s pathologic. I don’t want that affecting —
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: That’s not pathologic.
3 That is the bottom line.
4 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
5 inaudible) pathologic. I don’t care what the
6 reason is. I don’t care. I’m not playing
7 psychiatrist and analyzing.
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: But why wouldn’t you
9 want Monique there? I would feel much more
10 comfortable.
11 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
12 inaudible), that’s why.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Pardon me?
14 MR. CHANDLER: Because June hates her,
15 so I don’t want to —
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: She does not hate her.
17 MR. CHANDLER: Of course she hates her.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: She totally respects her
19 and doesn’t hate her.
20 MR. CHANDLER: Well, then, Jordy is a
21 liar and Michael (inaudible) —
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Wait, wait.
23 MR. CHANDLER: — because they told me
24 verbatim, together —
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah?
1 MR. CHANDLER: — that June hates
2 Monique.
3 In fact, they went even further and
4 told me several of the things that June said about
5 Monique.
7 MR. CHANDLER: Okay? Now, maybe they
8 went back and told June that Monique said things
9 about her and —
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
11 MR. CHANDLER: — (inaudible) lied.
12 Maybe they’re lying. I don’t know. But knowing
13 June, I don’t think that they lied. I think
14 they’re telling me the truth.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: And I want Monique out
17 of this completely.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
19 MR. CHANDLER: Because all that will
20 happen is that June will convince Jordy that
21 Monique’s a bad person and by her presence there
22 she must have put me up to this whole thing —
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
24 MR. CHANDLER: — and June will
25 fabricate some great lie —
2 MR. CHANDLER: — (simultaneous,
3 inaudible) I’m only going there because of Monique,
4 because, to tell you the truth, Dave, it would be a
5 lot easier for me and a lot more satisfying —
7 MR. CHANDLER: — to see everybody get
8 destroyed —
10 MR. CHANDLER: — like they’ve
11 destroyed me, but it would be a lot easier.
12 And Monique just kept telling me, “You
13 don’t want to really do this,” and she finally
14 [tape irregularity] for the sake of everything that
15 we’ve all had in the past —
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
17 MR. CHANDLER: — to give it one more
18 try, and that’s the only reason, because this
19 attorney I found — I mean, I interviewed several,
20 and I picked the nastiest son of a bitch —
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: — I could find, and all
23 he wants to do is get this out in the public as
24 fast as he can, as big as he can —
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
1 MR. CHANDLER: — and humiliate as many
2 people as he can, and he’s got a bad [tape
3 irregularity] —
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you think that’s
5 good?
6 MR. CHANDLER: — (simultaneous,
7 inaudible) he’s costing me a lot of money.
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you think that’s
9 good?
10 MR. CHANDLER: I think that’s great. I
11 think it’s terrific. The best. Because when
12 somebody — when somebody tells you that they don’t
13 want to talk to you —
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
15 MR. CHANDLER: — you have to talk to
16 them —
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
18 MR. CHANDLER: — you have to get their
19 attention. It’s a matter of life and death.
20 That’s how I’m taking it. I have to talk to them.
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: This is life and death
23 for my son. I have to get their attention. If I
24 don’t get it, if I haven’t gotten it on the phone
25 and I don’t get it tomorrow —
2 MR. CHANDLER: — this guy will
3 certainly get it. That’s the next step. And you
4 want to know something? I even have somebody after
5 him if he doesn’t [tape irregularity]. But I don’t
6 want [tape malfunctioned]. I’m not kidding. I
7 mean what I told you before.
9 MR. CHANDLER: It’s true. I mean, it
10 could be a massacre if I don’t get what I want.
11 But I do believe this person will get what he
12 wants.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
14 MR. CHANDLER: So he would just really
15 love [tape irregularity] nothing better than to
16 have this go forward. He is nasty, he is mean —
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
18 MR. CHANDLER: — he is very smart
19 [tape irregularity], and he’s hungry for the
20 publicity [tape irregularity] better for him.
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: And that’s where it’ll
23 go —
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: You don’t think everyone
25 loses?
1 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
2 inaudible) totally humiliate him in every way —
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: That — everyone doesn’t
4 lose in that?
5 MR. CHANDLER: That’s not the issue.
6 See, the issue is that if I have to go that far —
8 MR. CHANDLER: — I can’t stop and
9 think “Who wins and who loses?”
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
11 MR. CHANDLER: All I can think about is
12 I only have one goal, and the goal is to get their
13 attention —
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
15 MR. CHANDLER: — so that [tape
16 irregularity] concerns are, and as long as they
17 don’t want to talk to me, I can’t tell them what my
18 concerns are, so I have to go step by step, each
19 time escalating the attention-getting mechanism,
20 and that’s all I regard him as, as an
21 attention-getting mechanism.
22 Unfortunately, after that, it’s totally
23 out of [tape irregularity]. It’ll take on so much
24 momentum of its own that it’s going to be out of
25 all our control. It’s going to be monumentally
1 huge, and I’m not going to have any way to stop it.
2 No one else is either at that point. I mean, once
3 I make that phone call, this guy’s just going to
4 destroy everybody in site in any devious, nasty,
5 cruel way that he can do it. And I’ve given him
6 full authority to do that.
7 To go beyond tomorrow, that would mean
8 I have done every possible thing in my individual
9 power to tell them to sit down and talk to me; and
10 if they still [tape irregularity], I got to
11 escalate the attention-getting mechanism. He’s the
12 next one. I can’t go to somebody nice [tape
13 irregularity]. It doesn’t work with them. I
14 already found that out. Get some niceness and just
15 go fuck yourself.
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
17 MR. CHANDLER: Basically, what they
18 have to know, ultimately, is that their lives are
19 over, if they don’t sit down. One way or the
20 other, it’ll either go to the next step or the
21 [tape irregularity]. I’m not stopping until I get
22 their attention.
23 Do I [tape irregularity] the only goal
24 is right now I have to do what I think is best for
25 Jordy —
2 MR. CHANDLER: — and I think what’s
3 going on now is bad for Jordy, and therefore any
4 alternative is better.
5 If I’m wrong, they should sit down, and
6 they should tell me why I’m wrong.
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: So wouldn’t you sit down
10 with me, and we could discuss it first?
11 MR. CHANDLER: No, because you don’t
12 know the issues.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, but you could tell
14 me.
15 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
16 inaudible) totally ignorant of all the issues.
17 No. There’s really no way you could
18 relate these to somebody, you know.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah? Well, sure you
20 could.
21 MR. CHANDLER: Like it’ll get related.
22 It’ll get related, you know. You’ll see it.
23 You’ll see it, and it’s not going to be up for me
24 or you to decide.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Can you meet him here at
1 work?
2 MR. CHANDLER: Oh, no. I’m going to
3 meet at the house.
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: Why can’t you meet here?
5 MR. CHANDLER: Well, for one thing,
6 Michael has to be there.
7 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. Michael will
8 come.
9 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
10 inaudible) won’t be at Rent a Wreck.
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Michael would come here.
12 MR. CHANDLER: Well, how do you know
13 that?
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: I’ll see. I mean, if
15 he’ll come here, will you do it here?
16 MR. CHANDLER: No. Why?
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Because it’s easier for
18 me.
19 MR. CHANDLER: So you could be at work?
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: No. So I don’t have to
21 leave.
22 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
23 inaudible) signals.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Pardon me?
25 MR. CHANDLER: You keep giving me
1 these —
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: It’s not crossed
3 signals. I’m telling you it’s — I’m here every
4 second. It’s difficult to get away.
5 MR. CHANDLER: Well, you have to get
6 your priorities —
7 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, but my priority is
8 this, but, I mean, you can compromise for me.
9 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
10 inaudible) tell me this is very difficult choice,
11 you know, your children or your work.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Hey, it’s not a
13 difficult choice.
14 MR. CHANDLER: Well, then —
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: But it’s just —
16 MR. CHANDLER: — the issue, then. Be
17 it —
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: It makes it — wait.
19 What’s the difference —
20 MR. CHANDLER: — (simultaneous,
21 inaudible) work by 9:00 o’clock.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: What is the difference
23 for you? I mean, it makes it easier for me. Is it
24 different for you?
25 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah.
1 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay. Why is it
2 different?
3 MR. CHANDLER: What if I told you their
4 house was wired?
6 MR. CHANDLER: Does that make a
7 difference?
9 MR. CHANDLER: I’m not saying it is.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
11 MR. CHANDLER: I’m just saying, “What
12 if it was?”
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, well —
14 MR. CHANDLER: Would that — would
15 you — could you see the [tape irregularity].
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. Then you want to
17 record it.
18 MR. CHANDLER: Let’s just say that it
19 is.
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
21 MR. CHANDLER: Let’s just say that.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay.
23 MR. CHANDLER: I’m not saying it is.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay.
25 MR. CHANDLER: But let’s just say that
1 it was. Okay? That would make a difference.
2 (Inaudible)?
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay. You got to do me
4 one favor.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay. The way we’ve
7 just talked is completely — the way you’ve sounded
8 is completely different than when I talked to you
9 the first time. I mean, you gotta be —
10 MR. CHANDLER: Well, (inaudible)
11 talking tomorrow, Dave.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Pardon me?
13 MR. CHANDLER: I told you, it’s all on
14 paper.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: That’s why I’m bringing
17 a tape recorder.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, but are you going
19 to be calm like this?
20 MR. CHANDLER: I have nothing to say.
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: I’m not going to be
23 calm. I’m not going to be anything. I’m not going
24 to be — I’m going to be totally void of anything.
25 I’m just going to say, “Look. Here’s something for
1 you guys to read. You read it. You think it
2 over.”
4 MR. CHANDLER: “If you want to sit down
5 and talk, we can all meet in my attorney’s office.”
7 MR. CHANDLER: “If you want to tell me
8 to go fuck myself, then just let me know that” —
10 MR. CHANDLER: — “and I’ll let him
11 know that’s what your feelings are.”
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, why do you —
13 MR. CHANDLER: — and that has
14 to — that has to happen before 12:00 o’clock
15 tomorrow. They have to make that decision —
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. And let me ask
17 you this —
18 MR. CHANDLER: — (simultaneous,
19 inaudible) don’t hear from them about it, then the
20 wheels start —
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Why do you have to have
22 Jordy there, if all we’re going to do is read it?
23 MR. CHANDLER: I tried to explain that
24 to you.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: No. If we have to read
1 something.
2 MR. CHANDLER: Because I explained that
3 to you. I want him to see how I’m behaving.
5 MR. CHANDLER: I want him to see how
6 I’m acting.
7 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. And why do you
8 have to have Michael there?
9 MR. CHANDLER: What’s that beeping
10 going on? Do you hear that?
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: Are you recording this?
14 MR. CHANDLER: Do you hear the beeping?
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: Well, let’s hang up.
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay.
18 MR. CHANDLER: Okay.
20 —o0o—
21 ///
22 ///
23 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 CUSTOMER: This is for a — how do you
5 guys do — a mid-sized —
6 SALESMAN: Well, what is it you need?
7 CUSTOMER: I would just like to rent.
8 SALESMAN: But I mean do you need a
9 particular size car?
11 SALESMAN: No? Okay.
12 CUSTOMER: Affordable one.
13 SALESMAN: Okay. When do you need it?
14 CUSTOMER: For next week.
15 SALESMAN: All right. And do you know
16 how many days you need it for?
17 CUSTOMER: Probably would be a week or
18 two.
19 SALESMAN: Okay. Are you going to
20 travel just in L.A. or —
21 CUSTOMER: Yeah, just L.A.
22 SALESMAN: — all over the place?
23 All right. We would have — well, the
24 price starts weekly at 139 per week. If you want
25 something bigger or newer, the price would go up a
1 little bit.
2 CUSTOMER: Uh-huh.
3 SALESMAN: And you’re under 25, so
4 there is a charge of $10 per day —
6 SALESMAN: — in addition to the rate.
7 CUSTOMER: Okay. And what kind of cars
8 do you have?
9 SALESMAN: All different kinds of cars.
10 Basically what we do is we let you select from
11 what’s available, but the price does start at 139
12 per week.
13 CUSTOMER: For every car there, or —
14 SALESMAN: No, no. That’s — the price
15 starts at 139. If you want something, like I said,
16 a little newer or bigger, then the price would go
17 up.
18 CUSTOMER: Okay. So, like, you guys
19 are right here on Pico —
20 SALESMAN: Right, uh-huh.
21 CUSTOMER: Okay. Now, I thought that
22 you guys had like a Lincoln Continental, the old —
23 SALESMAN: We’re selling that one.
24 CUSTOMER: Oh, you’re selling that.
25 SALESMAN: Right.
1 CUSTOMER: Okay. What about the big
2 Cadillacs that you have out there? How much —
3 SALESMAN: We have those, but they’re
4 about $500 a day.
5 CUSTOMER: $500 a day?
6 SALESMAN: Yeah. And you got to be 25
7 to rent them, too.
8 CUSTOMER: Oh yeah?
10 CUSTOMER: So what will be the car that
11 I will be —
12 SALESMAN: Oh, something — looks like
13 a regular car, like a Chevy Cavalier or something.
14 CUSTOMER: Oh, okay. And that will go
15 for 139?
16 SALESMAN: Yeah. They start at 139 per
17 week, right.
18 CUSTOMER: Okay. All right.
19 SALESMAN: Plus $10 a day.
20 CUSTOMER: Yeah. Fine. $10 a day.
21 That’s cool. That’s cool. And is it unlimited
22 miles or —
23 SALESMAN: Each week you get 500 miles
24 free.
25 CUSTOMER: 500 miles free?
1 SALESMAN: Right.
2 CUSTOMER: Cool. Cool. Okay. Well,
3 cool.
4 SALESMAN: Let us know if we can help
5 you, though, okay?
6 CUSTOMER: All right. Thank you.
7 SALESMAN: Thanks. Bye-bye.
9 —o0o—
10 ///
11 ///
12 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help you,
5 please?
6 CUSTOMER: Yes. David?
7 SALESMAN: This is Salesman. Dave is on
8 the other line right now.
9 CUSTOMER: Oh, (inaudible) on the other
10 line. Okay. Well —
11 SALESMAN: Can you hold on, please?
12 CUSTOMER: Sure.
13 (Music playing.)
14 SALESMAN: Yes. Can I take a message and
15 have David call you back?
16 CUSTOMER: Yeah. Could you please tell him
17 to call me at 310-000-0000?
18 SALESMAN: 000-0000?
19 CUSTOMER: Yeah. My name is CUSTOMER.
20 SALESMAN: Okay, Customer. I will have him
21 call you. He knows what it’s about, Customer?
22 CUSTOMER: I suppose so. Yeah. It’s
23 about — it’s about the Chrysler convertible.
24 SALESMAN: Okay. Is that 213, Customer?
25 CUSTOMER: No. 310.
1 SALESMAN: Okay. I’ll have him call you.
3 SALESMAN: Thank you, sir.
4 CUSTOMER: Bye-bye.
5 SALESMAN: Bye-Bye.
6 —o0o—
7 ///
8 ///
9 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help
5 you, please?
6 CUSTOMER: Right. I was wondering how old
7 you had to be to rent a car —
8 SALESMAN: Is it for you?
10 SALESMAN: How old are you?
11 CUSTOMER: I’m 18.
12 SALESMAN: 18. Do you have a credit
13 card of your own?
15 SALESMAN: You do?
17 SALESMAN: How about car insurance?
18 Are you covered on anyone’s insurance policy right
19 now?
20 CUSTOMER: I believe I am.
21 SALESMAN: Okay. When do you need the
22 car?
23 CUSTOMER: Today.
24 SALESMAN: Today? Let me do this:
25 Give me your name and number, and I’ll have the
1 manager, Dave, call you right back. Maybe we — I
2 think we probably can work it out for you, though.
4 SALESMAN: What’s your name?
5 CUSTOMER: Customer.
6 SALESMAN: Okay, Customer. Your phone
7 number is?
8 CUSTOMER: It’s seven — oh, it’s 213 —
9 SALESMAN: 213.
10 CUSTOMER: 000 —
11 SALESMAN: 000.
12 CUSTOMER: — 0000.
13 SALESMAN: Okay. Dave is going to call
14 you back in just a few minutes, okay?
15 CUSTOMER: Okay.
16 SALESMAN: Thanks, Customer. Bye-Bye.
17 —o0o—
18 ///
19 ///
20 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help you
5 please?
6 CUSTOMER: Yeah. Can you give me some
7 rental information, please?
9 CUSTOMER: On a one-week rental for a
10 budget car?
11 SALESMAN: Sure. Starting when did you
12 need it?
13 CUSTOMER: For today.
14 SALESMAN: For local use right here in
15 the city, or are you taking a trip someplace?
16 CUSTOMER: No. It’s around the city.
17 SALESMAN: Okay. Are you at least 25,
18 sir?
19 CUSTOMER: I’m 25, but I don’t have a
20 credit card. My girlfriend does, and she’s 23.
21 SALESMAN: She’s 23. She’s — do you
22 own a car right now?
23 CUSTOMER: Do I own a car?
25 CUSTOMER: No, sir.
1 SALESMAN: Because for me to —
2 CUSTOMER: (Inaudible) I.D.’s —
3 SALESMAN: I can rent a car to your
4 girlfriend, but I couldn’t put your name on the
5 contract unless you had car insurance or a credit
6 card.
7 CUSTOMER: Okay. Could you rent it to
8 her?
9 SALESMAN: Yeah. Being that she’s under
10 the age of 25, it’s an additional charge of $10 per
11 day for the car. The car itself will start at $119
12 a day, plus the $10 charge per day. That would be
13 for a little compact or a mid-sized used car.
14 CUSTOMER: Okay. Can you work out what a
15 weekly rental —
16 SALESMAN: Yeah. The 119 charge plus
17 sales tax makes it — plus seven days — 198.
18 CUSTOMER: 198?
19 SALESMAN: Yes, sir.
20 CUSTOMER: That’s with the $10 and
21 everything, right?
22 SALESMAN: And the sales tax, yes.
23 That’s everything in there.
24 CUSTOMER: 198 per week.
25 Okay. How do I get to you? I’m
1 at — I’m on — what is the street? I’m on Lincoln
2 close to Pico.
3 SALESMAN: You’re on Lincoln close to
4 Pico? Are you calling from a residence, or where
5 are you calling from?
6 CUSTOMER: (Inaudible) from a pay phone.
7 I’m at a motel here.
8 SALESMAN: Okay. Is your girlfriend
9 there with you?
10 CUSTOMER: Yes, she is.
11 SALESMAN: Okay. Because (inaudible) we
12 can pick you guys up free of charge.
13 CUSTOMER: Oh, you could, eh?
14 SALESMAN: Yeah.
15 CUSTOMER: And we’d come down there for
16 the paperwork?
17 SALESMAN: Yeah. We come down. We’ll
18 show you a few used cars and put you right back on
19 the road again.
20 CUSTOMER: What kind of cars are they?
21 SALESMAN: They’re used cars in the early
22 ’80s and the mid-’80s. Could be Chevys, Hondas,
23 Buicks, Toyotas. They don’t look all that great.
24 They’re kind of average looking, nothing fancy, but
25 they’re all clean and reliable and run fantastic
1 for you.
2 CUSTOMER: There’s no problem her being
3 23?
4 SALESMAN: No, sir.
5 CUSTOMER: Okay. Let me grab her, just
6 take a shower and stuff. How long will it take you
7 guys to come down?
8 SALESMAN: Five minutes we’ll be there.
9 Tell you what. Let me give you my 800
10 number here. Are you calling me on that number?
11 CUSTOMER: Okay. I don’t got a pen or
12 nothing. Could I call you back on this 478 number?
13 SALESMAN: Yeah. You’ll probably just
14 have to pay for it. That’s all.
15 What’s your name?
16 CUSTOMER: Customer.
17 SALESMAN: Okay, Customer.Give me a call
18 back. We’ll come get you.
19 CUSTOMER: All right.
20 SALESMAN: Okay?
21 CUSTOMER: Thanks.
23 —o0o—
24 ///
25 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help
5 you, please?
6 CUSTOMER: Yeah. What would be the
7 cheapest convertible that you would have available
8 today and tomorrow?
9 SALESMAN: I can’t answer that, but I’d
10 be glad to have David call you right back. He
11 handles all of our convertibles.
12 CUSTOMER: Fine. Okay.
13 SALESMAN: Yeah. What’s your name,
14 please?
15 CUSTOMER: Customer.
16 SALESMAN: Okay, Customer. And your phone
17 number is?
18 CUSTOMER: 310.
20 CUSTOMER: 000 —
21 SALESMAN: Whoops. Hold on. I got a
22 problem with my phone cord here.
23 Let’s see. 310.
24 CUSTOMER: Don’t hurt yourself.
25 310 —
2 CUSTOMER: 000.
3 SALESMAN: 000.
4 CUSTOMER: 0000.
5 SALESMAN: 0000. Okay. I’ll have
6 David call you right back. Thanks.
7 —o0o—
8 ///
9 ///
10 ///
2 between Salesman and Man and
3 between David Schwartz and Man:
5 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help
6 you, please?
7 MAN: Yeah. My name is
8 Man. I was speaking with someone there
9 a few days ago. I’m working on a movie, and I’m
10 looking for a van.
11 SALESMAN: Certainly. Can you hold on,
12 Mr. Man?
13 MAN: Sure.
14 SALESMAN: Thanks.
15 (Pause in proceedings.)
16 SALESMAN 2: Hello?
17 MAN: Hi. My name is
18 Man.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yes, sir.
20 MR. MAN: And I spoke with someone
21 there a couple of days ago.
22 Anyway, I’m working on a movie, and I’m
23 looking for a van to rent for one month, and —
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: What you want it to look
25 like?
1 MR. MAN: Well, what I need is I
2 need one of those passenger vans.
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: Uh-huh.
4 MR. MAN: With most of the seats
5 taken out.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: Uh-huh.
7 MR. MAN: So we can put camera
8 equipment in the back.
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: Oh, I see. You want it
10 to shoot out of. Uh-huh.
11 MR. MAN: Yeah. We don’t — yeah.
12 I mean —
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: It’s not for the movie?
14 MR. MAN: What’s that?
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: It’s not for the movies.
16 You just need the windows.
17 MR. MAN: Yeah. We need it for
18 equipment.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Um-hmm. Okay. It’s
20 going to be for a trip or local driving?
21 MR. MAN: Well, it will be one trip
22 up to Bakersfield, and then that’s where we’re
23 filming for one month. I need it for one month.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Oh, okay. You’re going
25 to be in Bakersfield.
1 MR. MAN: Right.
3 MR. MAN: Now, do you have anything
4 like that?
6 MR. MAN: Okay. How much? What’s
7 the rate?
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, see, we just have
9 daily rates on those.
10 MR. MAN: Well, I was hoping we can
11 cut a deal for a month. I’m sure we could.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, I’ll tell you —
13 so what did you guys have budgeted for that?
14 MR. MAN: Not very much. We’re a
15 student film.
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Oh, I see. Yeah.
17 MR. MAN: But —
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: See, my situation is
19 that those vans go out almost every day.
20 MR. MAN: You can get a better rate,
21 right, if you — but, I mean, we can pay — we’re
22 paying cash, if that makes any difference to you.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: It doesn’t.
24 Let me tell you where I think you might
25 be able to get a good weekly rate.
1 MR. MAN: Okay.
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: Let me ask you this:
3 How much did you have in mind that you wanted to
4 pay?
5 MR. MAN: Around $600.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: For this whole time,
7 yeah.
8 MR. MAN: Yeah.
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay. Call this number.
10 000-0000.
11 MR. MAN: And who is that?
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Sam’s U-Drive.
13 MR. MAN: Sam’s U-Drive?
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Also, I’ll tell you what
15 you could do. We have a Rent a Wreck in
16 Bakersfield.
17 MR. MAN: Yeah, I know. I’ve talked
18 to them, and all that they have, though, is a
19 station wagon.
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Oh, I see. They don’t
21 have the others?
22 MR. MAN: No. They’re cool guys up
23 there, John and Tom.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: John, right.
25 MR. MAN: Yeah . I’ve been dealing
1 with them quite a bit, actually. We haven’t rented
2 from them yet, but —
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: See, I’ll tell you my
4 situation. See, I’d have to look, because most
5 likely — see, I only have two of them like that —
7 MR. MAN: Okay.
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: — and my problem is we
9 book them in advance, you know, the passenger vans?
10 MR. MAN: Yeah.
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: So the chances are I
12 won’t have it available for a whole month.
13 MR. MAN: Now, do you have anything
14 else that you could shoot out of?
15 Yeah. We don’t even need to shoot out
16 of. We just need to put the camera in it and drive
17 it to the set. That’s all we need.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Oh, I see. So you don’t
19 need the windows?
20 MR. MAN: No, we don’t need windows.
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay. You don’t need a
22 passenger van?
23 MR. MAN: No, not necessarily.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Don’t they have vans
25 there?
1 MR. MAN: Where?
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: At — oh, up in
3 Bakersfield?
4 MR. MAN: No, they don’t.
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: I would try Sam’s
6 U-Drive. They might work some deal out with you.
7 MR. MAN: Okay.
9 MR. MAN: Okay. I appreciate it.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay. I do too.
11 MR. MAN: Thanks. Bye-bye.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Think about it.
13 —o0o—
14 ///
15 ///
16 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help
5 you, please?
6 CUSTOMER: Yes. I had called you
7 earlier about renting a 15-passenger van to go to
8 Knott’s Berry Farm, and you quoted me a rate of
9 59.95 for a 12-passenger with 100 miles free.
10 SALESMAN: Okay.
11 CUSTOMER: Do you — what kind of van
12 is that? What year is it?
13 SALESMAN: It’s a late ’80s. I don’t
14 know the exact year.
15 CUSTOMER: Late ’80s. But it is —
16 it’s a more recent van, then?
17 SALESMAN: Yeah. When do you need it,
18 though?
19 CUSTOMER: Sunday, the 21st.
20 SALESMAN: Let’s see — did you reserve
21 it already or you didn’t —
22 CUSTOMER: No, I didn’t. I just was
23 getting information on it.
24 SALESMAN: Okay.
25 CUSTOMER: I wanted to double-check on
1 that with you.
2 SALESMAN: Okay. Yeah. The exact
3 year, I don’t know. It’s somewhere between ’87 to
4 ’89.
5 CUSTOMER: Okay. So is it like a Ford
6 or something like that?
7 SALESMAN: It’s a Dodge.
8 CUSTOMER: A Dodge?
9 SALESMAN: Um-hmm.
10 CUSTOMER: Okay. And it’s 59.95 with a
11 hundred free miles, and that’s a 12-passenger,
12 right?
13 SALESMAN: 12-passenger.
14 CUSTOMER: Do you have a 15-passenger?
15 SALESMAN: No. We don’t carry anything
16 that large.
17 CUSTOMER: Okay. I’m still trying to
18 (inaudible) what to do here between a 15- and a
19 20-passenger.
20 SALESMAN: How many people are you
21 going to move?
22 CUSTOMER: We’ve got 15 people, and
23 I’ve got a couple other people that will drive, so
24 I’m debating whether to go with a 12- or 15-
25 passenger.
1 SALESMAN: Oh, I see. Yeah. It’s —
2 some people try to make mistake of cramming too
3 many people in the van, so —
4 CUSTOMER: I know. I don’t want to —
5 SALESMAN: It’s just not a very safe
6 thing to do.
7 CUSTOMER: No. I realize that. But it
8 has seat belts and all that kind of thing?
9 SALESMAN: Yeah, it does. I think that
10 Avis at the airport carries 15-passenger vans,
11 though.
12 CUSTOMER: Oh, do they?
13 SALESMAN: I’m pretty sure.
14 CUSTOMER: Okay. Let me give them a
15 shot. Thank you.
16 SALESMAN: And another place is
17 Marathon Rent A Car over in Culver City, over on
18 Washington Boulevard. They have 15-passenger vans
19 too.
20 CUSTOMER: Okay. I’ll give them a try,
21 then.
22 SALESMAN: Okay?
23 CUSTOMER: Thank you very much.
24 SALESMAN: All right. You’re welcome.
25 Bye-bye.
1 CUSTOMER: Thank you very much.
2 SALESMAN: All right. You’re welcome.
3 Bye-bye.
4 —o0o—
5 ///
6 ///
7 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help
5 you, please?
6 CUSTOMER: Hi. I’m looking to rent a
7 compact car. Do you have one available today?
8 SALESMAN: Well, sure, I can get you
9 one. How long do you need one for?
10 CUSTOMER: Just for today.
11 SALESMAN: Today, and you’re age 25 and
12 older?
13 CUSTOMER: Yeah.
14 SALESMAN: With a major credit card?
15 CUSTOMER: Yeah.
16 SALESMAN: Do you plan on driving
17 locally around here with the vehicle?
18 CUSTOMER: Just (inaudible), yeah.
19 SALESMAN: Okay. We’ll get you a car.
20 We have as low as 22.95 a day.
21 CUSTOMER: Okay. Fine. I’ll be there in
22 about a half an hour, then.
23 SALESMAN: Sure. What’s your name?
24 CUSTOMER: Customer
25 SALESMAN: Customer?
1 CUSTOMER: Customer.
2 SALESMAN: Customer.
3 CUSTOMER: Customer (inaudible).
6 SALESMAN: Um-hmm.
7 CUSTOMER: Thank you, then.
8 —o0o—
9 ///
10 ///
11 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help
5 you, please?
6 CUSTOMER: Dave Schwartz.
7 SALESMAN: David is outside, sir.
8 Would you like to leave a message for him?
9 CUSTOMER: No. He just called me.
10 I’m just returning his call.
11 SALESMAN: Okay. What’s your name?
12 CUSTOMER: Customer.
13 SALESMAN: Okay, Customer. I’ll tell him
14 that you called.
15 CUSTOMER: Thanks.
16 SALESMAN: Okay.
17 —o0o—
18 ///
19 ///
20 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help
5 you, please? Hello?
6 CUSTOMER: Hello?
7 SALESMAN: Yes, sir.
8 CUSTOMER: Yes. Good morning.
9 SALESMAN: Good morning.
10 CUSTOMER: May car was stolen
11 yesterday, and the insurance company will pay up to
12 $10 a day, and I wanted to find out what kind of a
13 car that I can rent from you which will be close to
14 that.
15 SALESMAN: Starting today?
16 CUSTOMER: No. It would be starting
17 tomorrow, Monday.
18 SALESMAN: Tomorrow, Monday. Okay.
19 Hold on a second, please.
20 (Music playing.)
21 SALESMAN: Okay. Hello?
22 CUSTOMER: Hello.
23 SALESMAN: Okay. What we can do is
24 (inaudible) the information from your insurance
25 company. We can direct bill them. We just need to
1 see proof of insurance.
3 SALESMAN: And you’re age 25 and older?
4 CUSTOMER: Excuse me?
5 SALESMAN: You’re age 25 and older?
7 SALESMAN: With a major credit card?
8 CUSTOMER: (Inaudible.)
9 SALESMAN: So we can work that out. We
10 can get you a car for $10 a day. It would be
11 something like a early ’80 vehicle that doesn’t
12 look the greatest but it runs spectacular.
13 CUSTOMER: Well, what kind of a car is
14 that? I mean —
15 SALESMAN: Well, we have — just
16 depends what we have available tomorrow, but like I
17 say it would be an older vehicle, and it doesn’t
18 look the greatest, but it’s, you know, runs great.
19 CUSTOMER: Yeah. Is it unlimited
20 mileage?
21 SALESMAN: No. We’ll just give 50
22 miles a day free with that.
23 CUSTOMER: (Inaudible.)
24 SALESMAN: Do a lot of driving?
25 CUSTOMER: It’s all over, yeah.
3 SALESMAN: Well, are you like a
4 salesperson, sales rep?
5 CUSTOMER: No, but I’m doing driving.
6 So you don’t have anything with
7 unlimited mileage?
8 SALESMAN: No, we don’t, sir.
9 CUSTOMER: Okay. So I’ll just have to
10 come tomorrow down and take a look at those cars.
11 SALESMAN: Sure. We could do that.
12 Yes.
13 CUSTOMER: You’re going to have
14 something tomorrow?
15 SALESMAN: We should — we could get
16 you something. Just make sure, you know, like I
17 say, bring proof of your liability insurance and
18 everything with your —
19 CUSTOMER: Yeah, yeah, no problem.
20 SALESMAN: Okay.
21 CUSTOMER: Now, where are you located
22 at?
23 SALESMAN: My address is 0000 Bundy.
24 CUSTOMER: 0000 Bundy.
25 SALESMAN: Bundy.
1 CUSTOMER: Which is on the corner of
2 what?
3 SALESMAN: Bundy and Sunset. And we
4 open up at 10:00 o’clock tomorrow. Be here between
5 10:00 and 1:00 o’clock.
6 CUSTOMER: Oh, okay.
7 SALESMAN: Okay, sir.
8 CUSTOMER: Thank you. Bye-bye.
9 —o0o—
10 ///
11 ///
12 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help
5 you, please?
6 CUSTOMER: Yes. I just called you a
7 little earlier about the renting a car tomorrow.
9 CUSTOMER: I want to find out how much
10 is the mileage.
11 SALESMAN: I beg your pardon?
12 CUSTOMER: How much is the mileage?
13 SALESMAN: How long are you keeping the
14 car for?
15 CUSTOMER: Well, it might be a month
16 or —
17 SALESMAN: By the month we give you
18 enough to cover you. You get 1500 miles every
19 single month.
20 CUSTOMER: Oh, okay, because, yeah, it
21 depend how long they gonna find my car.
22 SALESMAN: Of course.
23 CUSTOMER: If they find my car
24 (inaudible) but the insurance will pay, like I say,
25 $10 a day, up to a month. So (inaudible).
1 SALESMAN: Well, on the cars for the
2 $10 a day, those are the insurance cars that we
3 have. They don’t look all that great at all.
4 They’re a little bit ugly-looking cars. On the
5 insurance cars you get 50 miles free every single
6 day with the car. So let’s say 50 times 30 days,
7 it would be — yeah, it’s 1500. Yeah, that’s
8 correct.
9 CUSTOMER: And but if I go over that,
10 how much would it be? I mean —
11 SALESMAN: If you happen to go over
12 that, it’s 20 cents a mile. But that would have to
13 be a lot of driving.
14 CUSTOMER: Oh, okay.
15 SALESMAN: I mean, a lot of driving.
16 CUSTOMER: Yeah, because I have to go
17 to Mojave.
18 SALESMAN: To the Mojave Desert?
19 CUSTOMER: Yes, next weekend.
20 SALESMAN: Because these cars
21 are — remember when you called earlier I asked if
22 you were local use or a trip?
23 CUSTOMER: Uh-huh.
24 SALESMAN: These cars are for local use
25 only. They wouldn’t be allowed to go to the Mojave
1 Desert.
2 CUSTOMER: Okay. Well, I can still
3 rent it and —
5 CUSTOMER: (Inaudible) rent maybe for
6 that weekend.
8 CUSTOMER: Okay. So I’ll see you
9 tomorrow, then.
10 SALESMAN: Okay. Great.
11 CUSTOMER: Thank you.
12 SALESMAN: Thanks.
13 —o0o—
14 ///
15 ///
16 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help
5 you, please?
6 CUSTOMER: Yes. Hi. Could you tell me
7 if the Customers have picked up the van yet?
8 SALESMAN: Oh, let me see —
9 CUSTOMER: It was a white van, and they
10 were supposed to pick it up between 10:00 and
11 11:00?
12 SALESMAN: Someone named Customer just
13 picked it up about a quarter to 11:00.
14 CUSTOMER: Quarter to 11:00. Okay.
15 Thank you.
16 SALESMAN: Okay. Bye-bye.
17 CUSTOMER: Bye-bye.
18 —o0o—
19 ///
20 ///
21 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help
5 you, please?
6 CUSTOMER: Hi. Can you tell me how old
7 you have to be to rent a car?
8 SALESMAN: How old is the driver?
9 CUSTOMER: The driver is 20.
10 SALESMAN: 20. With a major credit
11 card?
12 CUSTOMER: Uh-huh.
13 SALESMAN: When do you need the
14 vehicle?
15 CUSTOMER: Excuse me?
16 SALESMAN: When do you need the car?
17 CUSTOMER: Today.
18 SALESMAN: Today? Okay. Well, we can
19 rent a car to you.
20 CUSTOMER: Okay. Great.
21 SALESMAN: How long do you need the car
22 for?
23 CUSTOMER: Just today.
24 SALESMAN: Just today.
25 CUSTOMER: (Inaudible) we turn it in.
1 We’re leaving tomorrow.
2 SALESMAN: Okay. Okay. (Inaudible)
3 town driving locally here around Los Angeles?
4 CUSTOMER: Uh-huh.
5 SALESMAN: Okay. Well, yeah. We also
6 provide a free pickup service if you’re in the
7 area.
9 SALESMAN: Where are you located right
10 now?
11 CUSTOMER: (Inaudible) we’re near
12 Venice.
13 SALESMAN: Near Venice? We can come
14 over and pick you up. Only thing, we have to
15 charge an underage charge because you’re under the
16 age of 25. It’s a $10 a day underage charge.
17 CUSTOMER: Okay.
18 SALESMAN: Renting a car would be
19 $49.95 a day. Like I say, we can come over and
20 pick you up.
21 CUSTOMER: Okay. And what time does it
22 have to be back in tomorrow?
23 SALESMAN: Oh, it’s a 24-hour rental.
24 What time do you want to turn it in?
25 CUSTOMER: 24-hour rental?
1 SALESMAN: Yes. Depends on what time
2 you pick it up as the time as to the time usually
3 it’s due in the next day.
4 CUSTOMER: Okay. Hold on for a second.
5 SALESMAN: Um-hmm.
6 (No voices on tape for several
7 seconds.)
8 CUSTOMER: Okay. I had to find out
9 what time we have to be at the airport tomorrow.
10 Can we be picked up in an hour and a
11 half?
12 SALESMAN: Sure. Just call us when
13 you’re ready.
14 CUSTOMER: Okay.
15 SALESMAN: Can I have your name,
16 please?
17 CUSTOMER: Yeah. I’ll give you the
18 person who is going to be driving it. Ms.
19 Customer
20 SALESMAN: Customer?
21 CUSTOMER: Uh-huh. It’s C-u-s-t-o-m-e-r.
22 SALESMAN: Customer?
23 CUSTOMER: Customer, C-u-s-t-o-m-e-r.
24 SALESMAN: You have the phone number?
25 CUSTOMER: I’m sorry. We’re staying at
1 a friend’s house. Let me see if I can find a phone
2 number here. Hold on.
3 (No voices on tape for several
4 seconds.)
6 SALESMAN: Um-hmm.
7 CUSTOMER: I’m sorry. She didn’t leave
8 us — they just left the house and they didn’t —
9 SALESMAN: That’s okay. That’s okay.
10 Just give us a call before you want to get picked
11 up.
12 CUSTOMER: Okay. Great.
13 SALESMAN: Okay? We’ll come over and
14 get you.
15 CUSTOMER: Okay.
16 SALESMAN: All right.
17 CUSTOMER: Bye-bye.
19 —o0o—
20 ///
21 ///
22 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help
5 you, please?
6 CUSTOMER: How you doing? You got any
7 cars rent (inaudible)?
8 SALESMAN: Yes, sir. For how long?
9 CUSTOMER: Oh, just for the day.
10 SALESMAN: Local use here in L.A. or
11 are you taking a trip someplace?
12 CUSTOMER: I’ll be taking it out of the
13 county.
14 SALESMAN B: Oh. Where are you headed
15 to?
16 CUSTOMER: Out to Joshua Tree.
17 SALESMAN: And then back again.
18 Are you at least 25?
20 SALESMAN: And you have a credit card
21 in your name?
22 CUSTOMER: Someone else will be doing
23 the renting for this.
24 SALESMAN: Okay. Are they at least 25.
1 SALESMAN: You sound like you might
2 need something with free unlimited miles. All of
3 my cars get 100 miles free per day, and after that
4 it’s 20 cents a mile.
5 CUSTOMER: Ah, I see.
6 SALESMAN: Which I don’t have.
7 CUSTOMER: All right. Well, I need
8 something with completely unlimited mileage.
9 SALESMAN: Yeah. That we don’t offer.
10 CUSTOMER: All right. Thank you very
11 much.
12 SALESMAN: You’re welcome.
13 —o0o—
14 ///
15 ///
16 ///
2 between Woman and Friend:
4 (Phone ringing.)
5 (Inaudible voices.)
6 WOMAN: $3 worth of gas (inaudible).
7 FRIEND: Hello?
8 WOMAN: Hi. How you doing?
9 FRIEND: Oh, fine. I’m on the other
10 line. How is it going?
11 WOMAN: I’m fine. I’m at the Rent a
12 Wreck.
13 FRIEND: Yes.
14 WOMAN: And I just put $3 worth of gas
15 in the truck. It’s not half full.
16 FRIEND: Yes.
17 WOMAN: When you get off the phone,
18 can you come over?
19 FRIEND: I’ll come over in — as soon
20 as I finish my phone call.
21 WOMAN: Okay. I’ll wait for you.
22 FRIEND: At Rent a Wreck.
23 WOMAN: Yeah.
24 FRIEND: Yeah. Wait for me.
25 WOMAN: Okay.
1 FRIEND: Bye.
2 WOMAN: Bye.
3 —o0o—
4 ///
5 ///
6 ///
2 between Woman and Mother and Customer:
4 OPERATOR: AT&T. This is Lenora with
5 AT&T. How may I help you?
6 WOMAN: Collect call from Woman.
7 OPERATOR: Thank you for using AT&T.
8 WOMAN: You’re welcome.
9 (Phone ringing.)
10 OPERATOR: This is the AT&T operator
11 with a collect call.
12 Who is calling, please?
13 WOMAN: Woman.
14 MOTHER: Woman (inaudible).
15 OPERATOR: All right.
16 MOTHER: Thank you.
17 WOMAN: Hi, Mother.
18 MOTHER: How you doing, Darling?
19 WOMAN: I’m doing fine. Doing fine.
20 MOTHER: Did you get everything taken
21 care of?
22 WOMAN: Yep.
23 MOTHER: That’s great.
24 WOMAN: I’m at the Rent a Wreck right
25 now returning the truck.
1 MOTHER: Oh. That’s fantastic.
2 WOMAN: Yeah. Mitch and —
3 MOTHER: (Inaudible.)
4 WOMAN: Huh?
5 MOTHER: Who got the truck?
6 WOMAN: Frank.
7 MOTHER: Oh. That’s excellent.
8 WOMAN: And Mitch and Bob helped me
9 move all the stuff.
10 MOTHER: Yeah. It’s all moved now?
11 WOMAN: Yeah. Everything.
12 MOTHER: You like your new place?
13 WOMAN: Yep. Love it.
14 MOTHER: That’s great.
15 WOMAN: It’s beautiful. It has
16 beautiful cabinets in the kitchen.
17 MOTHER: What I wanted to say was this.
18 WOMAN: What?
19 MOTHER: I want you to get another
20 phone.
21 WOMAN: I am.
22 MOTHER: Listen to me now.
23 WOMAN: Okay.
24 MOTHER: And I want no long-distance
25 calls.
1 WOMAN: Okay.
2 MOTHER: When you order it, tell them
3 you don’t want any long distance calls.
4 WOMAN: Okay.
5 MOTHER: You don’t want to be able to
6 even put any on there.
7 WOMAN: Okay.
8 MOTHER: Okay?
9 WOMAN: Yeah, that’s the best way to
10 do.
11 MOTHER: That’s the way — ’cause
12 that’s the way Amanda does it.
13 WOMAN: Okay. How’s she doing?
14 MOTHER: I haven’t talked to her today.
15 WOMAN: Okay.
16 MOTHER: But I’m sure she’s doing fine.
17 WOMAN: I haven’t called there in — I
18 haven’t even called Boston at all.
19 MOTHER: Oh, you don’t need to.
20 WOMAN: Unh-unh.
21 MOTHER: It’s not necessary.
22 WOMAN: No, it’s not.
23 MOTHER: You don’t need to make a lot
24 of long-distance calls with (inaudible). That’s
25 what I want you to do. Get your phone where you
1 can’t make long-distance calls. Somebody wants to
2 call you, let them call you. That way you’ll be
3 able to take care of your bills because that will
4 get you all behind, all the different (inaudible)
5 stuff, you know?
6 WOMAN: Yeah.
7 MOTHER: So Frank’s still there with
8 you?
9 WOMAN: He’s going to be coming over
10 in a few minutes to pick me up.
11 MOTHER: Oh. You’re — he’s over —
12 WOMAN: I’m at the truck place. I
13 just called him because I called him earlier but he
14 had stepped out, so I let him know that I was here.
15 The truck is not due back until 12:00, but I
16 brought it back 11:15.
17 MOTHER: Yeah. That’s fantastic,
18 Norma. I’m glad —
19 WOMAN: Yeah. The place is nice.
20 It’s really nice.
21 MOTHER: (Inaudible) today yet, have
22 you?
23 WOMAN: Uh-huh.
24 MOTHER: Oh, have you?
25 WOMAN: Yep.
1 MOTHER: Okay, because I was out
2 exercising. I went to work out.
3 WOMAN: You did?
4 MOTHER: Yeah.
5 WOMAN: Yep. So, anyway, (inaudible)
6 playing this game you drive.
7 MOTHER: Who?
8 WOMAN: Me.
9 MOTHER: Okay. Did you have enough
10 money?
11 WOMAN: Yeah, yeah.
12 MOTHER: Good.
13 WOMAN: Actually, what I did is I gave
14 Mitch and Bob $15 apiece for helping me move.
15 MOTHER: Why?
16 WOMAN: Because. That was a lot of
17 stuff. Mike, he cut his arm on the refrigerator.
18 MOTHER: I know what you’re saying. I
19 know it’s work, but at the same time do you have
20 something left?
21 WOMAN: Yeah. We had everything we
22 needed.
23 MOTHER: Okay.
24 WOMAN: We had everything we needed.
25 MOTHER: Because I know what —
1 WOMAN: What?
2 MOTHER: I know what’s going to happen
3 now is when you get your other money you got to
4 send it to me because I go to court on Wednesday.
5 WOMAN: Right.
6 MOTHER: So as soon as you get it
7 Monday, put it in the mail.
8 WOMAN: I’ll put it right — I’ll put
9 it on the Western Union.
10 MOTHER: Hum?
11 WOMAN: You want to — well, I better
12 put it in the mail, huh?
13 MOTHER: Yeah, because it costs — I
14 mean, I know you —
15 WOMAN: They have a thing called
16 Moneygram. They have a thing called Moneygram
17 that’s less than Western Union, and it only takes
18 like five minutes. Somebody told me about it
19 yesterday.
20 MOTHER: Uh-huh.
21 WOMAN: It’s only like $6 every $50.
22 MOTHER: Well, still, that’s just as
23 high. That’s just as high. That’s what it
24 cost — because once you sent $200, I only paid $29
25 to send that.
1 WOMAN: Oh, really?
2 MOTHER: Yeah. So that’s the same
3 thing.
4 WOMAN: Okay. Well, I’ll make sure I
5 get that rate.
6 MOTHER: Okay. (Inaudible) I go to
7 court Wednesday.
8 WOMAN: Okay. Okey-dokey.
9 MOTHER: So are your buddies doing,
10 Mike and your other friend?
11 WOMAN: Fine.
12 MOTHER: (Inaudible).
13 WOMAN: Yep. I have to —
14 MOTHER: You ever talk to Eunice.
15 WOMAN: Unh-unh, I didn’t talk to
16 Eunice..
17 MOTHER: Is Mitch there with you?
18 WOMAN: Not here right now.
19 MOTHER: Oh, okay.
20 WOMAN: Unh-unh. He’s going to go out
21 of town tonight.
22 MOTHER: Oh, is he?
23 WOMAN: Yeah.
24 MOTHER: Well, it was nice of him to
25 help you. That’s the reason it’s good that you
1 have good friends.
2 WOMAN: Yep. I know who my real
3 friends are.
4 MOTHER: Uh-huh. And how is John
5 doing?
6 WOMAN: He’s doing great. His show
7 was really fabulous the other night.
8 MOTHER: Oh, he had a job?
9 WOMAN: Yeah. Yep, and a week before
10 that, too. It was jammin’. I didn’t go to the
11 first one, but I went to this last one, and he got
12 off.
13 MOTHER: I know he did.
14 WOMAN: Yep. And then his manager and
15 the people that’s supposed to pay him ducked out
16 the back door.
17 MOTHER: What?
18 WOMAN: That’s the second time, the
19 second show on the road they didn’t pay him.
20 MOTHER: Oh, my God!
21 WOMAN: And the kind of show that he
22 put on, he’s worth a lot of money.
23 MOTHER: He’s (inaudible).
24 WOMAN: Yeah. And the band. They had
25 a live band, and they was tight. They were real
1 tight. Yep.
2 Well, anyway, I’m on this business
3 phone up here at the Rent a Wreck, but I can call
4 you back if you want.
5 Hold on. Hold on just a second. Hold
6 on just a second, okay?
7 MOTHER: Okay. Customer get to talk to
8 me?
9 WOMAN: Hold on. Yeah. Hold on just
10 a second.
11 Is it okay if I talk to my mom for just
12 a few more minutes? It’s on her phone (inaudible).
13 Hello, Mother. They said I could talk
14 for a few more minutes.
15 MOTHER: Okay.
16 WOMAN: Yep. So, anyway — I’m making
17 sweet and sour chicken for dinner.
18 MOTHER: What did you say?
19 WOMAN: I’m making sweet and sour
20 chicken for dinner.
21 MOTHER: Oh, I’m standing here eating
22 pickles.
23 WOMAN: Are you?
24 MOTHER: I had sweet and sour pickles.
25 WOMAN: Do you want me to tell you how
1 to make some real good sweet-and-sour chicken, real
2 quick?
3 MOTHER: Oh, I don’t cook much chicken,
4 because I don’t like touching raw chicken.
5 WOMAN: Huh?
6 MOTHER: I don’t touch raw chicken.
7 WOMAN: Huh?
8 MOTHER: I don’t touch raw chickens.
9 WOMAN: Garage? Oh, okay.
10 MOTHER: I don’t cook chicken.
11 WOMAN: Well, what you could do is go
12 to Kentucky Fried Chicken.
13 MOTHER: Uh-huh.
14 WOMAN: And get you — whatever kind
15 of piece you want. Go to the grocery store. Look
16 over by the spaghetti sauce, and they have sweet
17 and sour sauce in a bottle, and get you some orange
18 honey —
19 MOTHER: Uh-huh.
20 WOMAN: — and put it in the sweet and
21 sour sauce.
22 MOTHER: Yeah.
23 WOMAN: And take some pineapple, some
24 chunk pineapples in their own juice.
25 MOTHER: Yeah.
1 WOMAN: And put them in the sweet and
2 sour sauce, and cut up some green pepper and some
3 onion. Put it in the sweet and source sauce and
4 get it hot.
5 MOTHER: Yes.
6 WOMAN: And then dip the chicken down
7 in it.
8 MOTHER: You can tell me about that
9 later on when you get home, when you get your
10 phone.
11 WOMAN: Okay.
12 MOTHER: But what I wanted to ask you
13 about now is this guy that ran off with
14 what’s-his-name’s money, I’m glad you’re not
15 working for him.
16 WOMAN: Yeah. Me — that’s a crime he
17 did that, but he won’t do that again.
18 MOTHER: Yeah. That’s ridiculous.
19 WOMAN: It really is.
20 MOTHER: And then you got Wally
21 working with you.
22 WOMAN: Yep.
23 MOTHER: And at least he’s honest. Do
24 you know what I mean?
25 WOMAN: Um-hmm.
1 MOTHER: Yeah. So it won’t be long
2 your music will be going, and I hope it will be
3 going pretty soon because last week we had a guy
4 with 25 years get fired, for almost no reason at
5 all. He didn’t even do anything.
6 WOMAN: Really?
7 MOTHER: Yeah. But you got to really
8 get yourself and your music —
9 WOMAN: Everything is rolling right
10 along.
11 MOTHER: That’s right, and, you know,
12 the music — you put it into the movies and stuff
13 and everything.
14 Oh, and what is — no, don’t tell me
15 the — well, I guess you could tell me.
16 WOMAN: Um —
17 MOTHER: No. Don’t tell me his name
18 right now.
19 WOMAN: Okay. All right.
20 MOTHER: That’s better.
21 WOMAN: All right.
22 MOTHER: You don’t even (inaudible) —
23 WOMAN: Okay. Well, I guess I’ll get
24 on off this phone. I love you so much.
25 MOTHER: Oh, I love you too, Darling.
1 I’ll be here the rest of the day.
2 WOMAN: Okay.
3 MOTHER: All day tomorrow, because it’s
4 going to be real cold here with the high winds up
5 to about 30, 40 miles an hour.
6 WOMAN: Oh, okay.
7 MOTHER: And about 5 degrees.
8 WOMAN: All right. They’re gonna —
9 MOTHER: (Inaudible) the ones
10 (inaudible) —
11 WOMAN: Okay. They’re gonna put my
12 mail at the post office, so I’ll pick it up. As
13 soon as I can get it, I’ll put it in the mail.
14 MOTHER: (Inaudible) resolve your —
15 WOMAN: Excuse me. Unh-unh. On
16 Monday it’ll come.
17 MOTHER: Okay.
18 WOMAN: Customer, can you come here,
19 Precious? Mother wants to talk to you.
20 MOTHER: Well, call me and call me
21 later on, too, if you —
22 CUSTOMER: Hello?
23 MOTHER: Hello, Darling. How’s
24 Mother’s baby?
25 CUSTOMER: (Inaudible.)
1 MOTHER: How’s mother’s baby doing?
2 CUSTOMER: What you at?
3 MOTHER: How you doing, Darling? How
4 are you?
6 MOTHER: I love you.
7 CUSTOMER: I do too.
8 MOTHER: You know who I talked to? I
9 talked to Rachael (phonetic) the other day, your
10 baby sitter.
11 CUSTOMER: Uh-huh.
12 MOTHER: Remember Rachael?
13 CUSTOMER: Uh-huh.
14 MOTHER: And Paula?
15 CUSTOMER: Uh-huh.
16 MOTHER: They came over to work the
17 other day and they asked me about you.
19 MOTHER: And they want to know if you
20 can come home for the summer.
21 WOMAN: Hello. Mother?
22 MOTHER: Um-hmm.
23 WOMAN: Okay.
24 MOTHER: Yeah. Rachael her baby
25 sitter, came over to the plant the other day with
1 her mom.
2 WOMAN: Um-hmm.
3 MOTHER: And she wanted to know if
4 Darla could come home for the summer.
5 WOMAN: Oh, really?
6 MOTHER: Yeah. She wanted to take care
7 of her for the summer.
8 WOMAN: Oh, really?
9 MOTHER: For you, but things will work
10 out, you know.
11 WOMAN: Yeah. That’s up to you,
12 Mother.
13 MOTHER: Huh?
14 WOMAN: That’s up to you, if you do.
15 MOTHER: Yeah, I know. You know, you
16 can do — have your business, I think, better with
17 her out there, right now, but, like I say, like I
18 told Rachael, I want to come out there in May if I
19 can, but —
20 WOMAN: Yeah. I wish you would.
21 MOTHER: You know, and then that way —
22 WOMAN: We have —
23 MOTHER: — bring Darla back with me
24 (inaudible) I can.
25 WOMAN: Okay.
1 MOTHER: But I gotta have money yet to
2 get out there yet. I don’t have money — I haven’t
3 (inaudible) money to pay my taxes yet.
4 WOMAN: Mom, you know, I can get you a
5 plane ticket?
6 MOTHER: Huh?
7 WOMAN: I can get you a plane ticket.
8 MOTHER: A what?
9 WOMAN: I can get you a ticket.
10 MOTHER: Oh, yeah. Well, that will be
11 great.
12 WOMAN: Okay.
13 MOTHER: That would be fine.
14 WOMAN: Let me work on that.
15 MOTHER: Okay, Dear. You do that.
16 WOMAN: Okay.
17 MOTHER: And that’s the week of November the
18 9th.
19 WOMAN: That would be for your
20 birthday.
21 MOTHER: Yeah. Novcember the 9th through
22 the — that’s my birthday.
23 WOMAN: Yeah. (Inaudible).
24 MOTHER: That will be fine.
25 WOMAN: And then you don’t have to
1 drive, either.
2 MOTHER: Yeah.
3 WOMAN: Okay. I’ll work on that.
4 MOTHER: Okay. But Eva (inaudible)
5 needs a ticket and I need one for her, too.
6 WOMAN: Yeah, I know. Well, I’ll have
7 to just work on that —
8 MOTHER: (Simultaneous, inaudible) will
9 need one with her (inaudible) she’s —
10 WOMAN: Yes, you would, because when I
11 had brought her back before, I had to pay four
12 fifty, but that was just because it was —
13 MOTHER: But even so, if I get out
14 there even —
15 WOMAN: — last minute.
16 MOTHER: — (simultaneous, inaudible)
17 will be good, but I still would like to get out
18 there because I could still get to come back again,
19 and that’s another thing too.
20 WOMAN: What?
21 MOTHER: I’ll get to come back again in
22 July if I have money.
23 WOMAN: Yeah. I hope so.
24 MOTHER: I’ll get my pay, and I’ll come
25 back in July.
1 WOMAN: Yeah. Hopefully
2 (simultaneous, inaudible) —
3 MOTHER: (Simultaneous, inaudible)
4 then, I could bring her back with me and
5 (simultaneous, inaudible) —
6 WOMAN: I wish you could bring
7 (inaudible).
8 MOTHER: That would be excellent,
9 wouldn’t it?
10 WOMAN: Huh?
11 MOTHER: That would be excellent,
12 wouldn’t it?
13 WOMAN: Yep. Okay. Well —
14 MOTHER: Just be two months, keep her
15 here, and then bring her back.
16 WOMAN: Yeah. That would be perfect.
17 MOTHER: Yeah, but I gotta have money
18 to do things like that.
19 WOMAN: Okay. Well, let’s work on
20 that.
21 MOTHER: Okay, then.
22 WOMAN: I told you they called me back
23 for Sony Pictures.
24 MOTHER: Yeah. That’s excellent,
25 honey. That is fantastic, because, I’m telling
1 you, things are getting rough up here.
2 WOMAN: Okay. Well —
3 MOTHER: (Simultaneous, inaudible) this
4 job 25 years. I said to myself, “I lose my job,
5 and Sam hasn’t even made it yet, we won’t have
6 nothing.”
7 WOMAN: Yep.
8 MOTHER: You know what I mean? I can’t
9 lean on you right now, and you won’t be able to
10 lean on me then.
11 WOMAN: Okay. Hey, Mother —
12 MOTHER: (Simultaneous, inaudible) now.
13 WOMAN: All right. Well, we’ll do
14 that, then.
15 MOTHER: All right —
16 WOMAN: I love you so much.
17 MOTHER: Don’t forget to put it in the
18 mail. I love you too.
19 WOMAN: Okay. I’ll talk to you later.
20 MOTHER: I’ll talk to you later,
21 Darling.
22 WOMAN: All right. Bye.
23 MOTHER: Bye. Kiss Darla for me.
24 —o0o—
25 ///
2 between Salesman and Customers 1 and 2:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help
5 you, please?
6 CUSTOMER 1: You speak Spanish?
8 CUSTOMER 1: I no speak English. And
9 you —
10 CUSTOMER 2: Hello?
11 SALESMAN: Hello.
12 CUSTOMER 2: Do you speak Spanish?
14 CUSTOMER 2: Well, I have a rent a car
15 the Friday before.
16 SALESMAN: Okay.
17 CUSTOMER 2: The number is 00000.
18 I’m — I want to stay with the car for
19 another days.
20 SALESMAN: Oh, okay. One minute,
21 please, okay? Okay. One second. Thank you.
22 (Music playing.)
23 RADIO ANNOUNCER: Good afternoon, and
24 thank you for listening. I’m Don Barley —
25 SALESMAN: Is this for — hello?
1 CUSTOMER 2: Hello.
2 SALESMAN: Yes. Is this for Mr.
3 Customer?
4 CUSTOMER 2: Joaquin Estes.
5 SALESMAN: Yeah. Okay. So for one
6 more day?
7 CUSTOMER 2: I don’t know how many
8 days. How do you charge for a day?
9 SALESMAN: Well, how much longer does
10 he need it?
11 CUSTOMER 2: Well, you charge 169 for a
12 week.
13 SALESMAN: Yes, um-hmm.
14 CUSTOMER 2: It’s the same?
16 CUSTOMER 2: And if I don’t rent for a
17 completely week, it’s the same?
18 SALESMAN: Oh, I understand. It’s
19 49.95 for the day.
20 CUSTOMER 2: 49.95 for a day?
22 CUSTOMER 2: But it’s too expensive.
23 SALESMAN: Um-hmm.
24 CUSTOMER 2: Well —
25 SALESMAN: How much longer does he need
1 it?
2 CUSTOMER 2: Sorry?
3 SALESMAN: How many more days does he
4 need it?
5 CUSTOMER 2: I don’t know but have two,
6 three, four. I don’t know. I call you again.
7 SALESMAN: Okay. Because if — I’ll
8 tell you what. If he has it —
9 (No voices in tape for several
10 seconds.)
11 SALESMAN: If he keeps the car for four
12 days —
13 CUSTOMER 2: For four days?
14 SALESMAN: Okay? Then it would be 169.
15 CUSTOMER 2: 169.
16 SALESMAN: For four more days or a
17 week.
18 CUSTOMER 2: Four days for —
19 SALESMAN: Say four days or a week is
20 the same.
21 CUSTOMER 2: For four days and one week
22 it’s the same?
23 SALESMAN: It’s the same, yes.
24 CUSTOMER 2: Well, I talk to my
25 husband, and I call you again.
2 CUSTOMER 2: Thank you.
3 SALESMAN: Thank you. Bye-bye.
4 CUSTOMER 2: Bye-bye.
5 —o0o—
6 ///
7 ///
8 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help you,
5 please?
6 CUSTOMER: Yeah. Hi. Who is this?
7 SALESMAN: This is SALESMAN. Who’s this?
8 CUSTOMER: Salesman, this is Dion
9 Smith in — I don’t know if you know. It would be
10 a tan Honda.
11 SALESMAN: Yes, Dion.
12 CUSTOMER: You know me?
13 SALESMAN: No, I don’t, but I can help
14 you.
15 CUSTOMER: Okay. I just rented the
16 car last month on the 13th.
17 Hello?
18 SALESMAN: Yes, Dion.
19 CUSTOMER: Okay. And today’s the
20 13th, and I have to return the car.
21 SALESMAN: Yes, sir.
22 CUSTOMER: Okay. And there was a
23 question that I wanted to ask you.
24 One guy over there that I (inaudible)
25 the car, rented the car from, he told me that the
1 second month, if I should want to keep it, he’ll
2 charge me $300 for it.
3 SALESMAN: Okay, and who was that?
4 CUSTOMER: I really don’t know. I
5 think Tom?
6 SALESMAN: Okay. Tom. Tom is off today,
7 I’m afraid.
8 CUSTOMER: Is David there?
9 SALESMAN: David’s here, but he’s with a
10 customer.
11 I’ll tell you what. Can I have David
12 give you a phone call right back?
13 CUSTOMER: No. I’m calling from a
14 pay phone here.
15 SALESMAN: Well, he’s with a customer
16 right now. You want to call him back in about ten
17 minutes?
18 CUSTOMER: If — you have to get an
19 okay from him in order for that?
20 SALESMAN: Yeah, because I’ve never heard
21 of that.
22 CUSTOMER: Yeah, because I rented
23 the car for $400, and then he said $300.
24 SALESMAN: Okay. Well, I believe what
25 you’re saying, but, you know, to verify that, Dave
1 would have to —
2 CUSTOMER: Why don’t you do this.
3 Why don’t you, in case I call back and David’s
4 still not around, why don’t you run out and ask
5 him, and I’ll call back in ten minutes.
6 SALESMAN: Sounds good.
7 CUSTOMER: Okay. Who am I speaking
8 to?
9 SALESMAN: Salesman.
10 CUSTOMER: Salesman. Okay.
11 SALESMAN: Do you have the car keys
12 nearby?
13 CUSTOMER: The car keys? Yeah.
14 SALESMAN: Yeah. Give me the three-digit
15 number on the key ring, please.
16 CUSTOMER: Okay. Number 287.
17 SALESMAN: Okay. I’ll find out for you.
18 CUSTOMER: Okay. Find out —
19 SALESMAN: Thank you.
20 CUSTOMER: — tell him that the car,
21 this car, if I should —
22 SALESMAN: Pardon me (inaudible).
23 CUSTOMER: Hello?
24 SALESMAN: I’m here.
25 CUSTOMER: Yeah. If I should want
1 to keep a car from you guys, this one I have to
2 exchange because this one has a bad oil leak.
3 SALESMAN: Okay. We’ll work it out. Oh,
4 it’s an oil leak.
5 CUSTOMER: Oil, leak, yeah.
7 CUSTOMER: And I’ve spotted in the
8 last four days. I brought it in last week —
9 SALESMAN: Okay. Just give us a call
10 back in about ten minutes and we’ll get it worked
11 out for you.
12 CUSTOMER: Thank you.
13 SALESMAN: Thank you.
14 —o0o—
15 ///
16 ///
17 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help you,
5 please?
6 CUSTOMER: Yes. Hi. Do you have any vans
7 or pickups available for this afternoon?
8 SALESMAN: I have a cargo van.
9 CUSTOMER: Okay. How much is that?
10 SALESMAN: That runs 39.95, and it’s 20
11 cents a mile.
12 CUSTOMER: Where are you located?
13 SALESMAN: 12333 Pico.
14 Do you plan on driving locally around
15 L.A.?
16 CUSTOMER: I want — yeah. Just Santa
17 Monica.
18 SALESMAN: Um-hmm.
19 CUSTOMER: Okay. And that’s — okay, so
20 it’s empty. It doesn’t have seats in it or –
21 SALESMAN: No. Yeah. It’s empty van.
22 CUSTOMER: Oh. What I have to do to move
23 a small couch (inaudible) here. Will that do it?
24 SALESMAN: That would do it, um-hmm.
25 CUSTOMER: Okay. Would you hold it for
1 me? I’ll be over to pick it up.
2 SALESMAN: What’s your name?
5 CUSTOMER: a-b-n-e-y
7 CUSTOMER: All right. And, again, you
8 said you’re at 1233 Pico?
9 SALESMAN: 12333 Pico.
10 CUSTOMER: Okay. And what’s your cross
11 street?
12 SALESMAN: Centinela, right on the
13 corner.
14 CUSTOMER: Okay. What (inaudible).
15 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck (inaudible).
16 CUSTOMER: Fine.
17 SALESMAN: Okay.
18 —o0o—
19 ///
20 ///
21 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help you,
5 please?
6 CUSTOMER: Hi. What (inaudible) you
7 located?
8 SALESMAN: My address, 12333 Pico.
9 CUSTOMER: 12333 Pico?
10 SALESMAN: Correct.
11 CUSTOMER: And what’s the nearest cross
12 street?
13 SALESMAN: Right on the corner of
14 Centinela, sir.
15 CUSTOMER: Centinela. Thank you, sir.
16 SALESMAN: Um-hmm.
17 ///
18 ///
19 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help
5 you, please?
6 CUSTOMER: Yes, sir. I’m
7 interested — I want to get some rates for renting
8 a car in Los Angeles towards the end of July.
9 Be picking up July 25th and returning
10 August 1st.
11 SALESMAN: Okay. Is it local driving
12 or long distance?
13 CUSTOMER: Local.
14 SALESMAN: Okay. And your —
15 CUSTOMER: We might go to San Diego,
16 but I don’t know how —
17 SALESMAN: That’s fine.
18 Now, you’re at least 25 and you have a
19 credit card of your own?
21 SALESMAN: Okay. Let’s see. Hit me
22 with that date, that July date?
23 CUSTOMER: July 25th and return
24 August 1st.
25 SALESMAN: All right. Let me see how
1 many days in August here.
2 CUSTOMER: It would be seven days.
3 SALESMAN: Seven days? Okay.
4 What size car do you need?
5 CUSTOMER: You know, I don’t — there’s
6 just two of us, so probably a small car.
7 SALESMAN: Okay. No problem. I would
8 have cars at $149 per week, and if you’re flying
9 into L.A. we provide free local pickup service from
10 the airport too.
11 CUSTOMER: Oh, okay. Oh, you guys
12 don’t have an office at the airport?
13 SALESMAN: Not at the airport. We’re
14 about five miles north.
15 CUSTOMER: And is that mileage, no
16 mileage?
17 SALESMAN: You get 500 miles free for
18 the week.
19 CUSTOMER: All right.
20 SALESMAN: And San Diego is about 120
21 miles from L.A.
22 CUSTOMER: Right. Okay. Great. Okay.
23 We’re just trying to —
24 SALESMAN: Okay.
25 CUSTOMER: (Simultaneous, inaudible)
1 right now. Thank you.
2 SALESMAN: Thanks for calling.
3 Bye-bye.
4 —o0o—
5 ///
6 ///
7 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help
5 you, please?
6 CUSTOMER: Yeah. I need to know what
7 your rates are. I need to rent a car for about a
8 week.
9 SALESMAN: Starting when, please?
10 CUSTOMER: Well, possibly starting
11 today.
12 SALESMAN: Okay. No problem.
13 Are you going to be the only person
14 driving?
15 CUSTOMER: Yes. Well, I’m really
16 calling for my boyfriend.
17 SALESMAN: Okay.
18 CUSTOMER: His car blew up.
19 SALESMAN: Oh, I see.
20 CUSTOMER: And he needs it for a week,
21 and he’ll be the only one driving it.
22 SALESMAN: Okay. That’s great. Now,
23 he’s at least 25?
24 CUSTOMER: Yes. He’s much older than
25 that.
1 SALESMAN: And he has a credit card of
2 his own, I guess, right?
4 SALESMAN: Okay. Do you know what size
5 car he wants?
6 CUSTOMER: I think probably your
7 cheapest model.
8 SALESMAN: Okay. We would have them
9 starting at $129 per week.
10 CUSTOMER: 129 a week.
11 SALESMAN: Yeah. And if he needs to be
12 picked up, if he’s not too far, we do provide free
13 local pick up service, too.
14 CUSTOMER: Oh, great. And what time do
15 you close?
16 SALESMAN: We close at 4:00. We can
17 pick him up as late as 3:30.
18 CUSTOMER: As late as 3:30.
19 SALESMAN: Yeah.
20 CUSTOMER: And —
21 SALESMAN: Do you know what area he’s
22 going to be in?
23 CUSTOMER: We live in Santa Monica.
24 SALESMAN: Oh, that’s okay.
25 CUSTOMER: Where are you located?
1 SALESMAN: I’m just on the other side
2 of Santa Monica, Pico and Centinela.
3 CUSTOMER: Pico and Centinela.
4 SALESMAN: Yeah. That’s three blocks
5 west of Bundy.
6 CUSTOMER: Three blocks what of Bundy?
7 SALESMAN: Three blocks west of Bundy.
8 CUSTOMER: Oh. West of Bundy
9 SALESMAN: On Pico. Yeah.
10 CUSTOMER: Okay. That’s not too far
11 from us.
12 SALESMAN: Did you want us to hold one
13 for him?
14 CUSTOMER: He wanted me to check the
15 prices.
16 SALESMAN: Okay.
17 CUSTOMER: And I guess they go from 129
18 a week up.
19 SALESMAN: Yeah. Um-hmm.
20 CUSTOMER: Okay. I will get back to
21 you within the hour or so.
22 SALESMAN: No problem. Thanks for
23 calling.
24 CUSTOMER: Thanks a lot. Bye-bye.
25 —o0o—
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help you,
5 please?
6 CUSTOMER: Yes. Do you all rent to
7 persons under 25?
8 SALESMAN: How old are you?
10 SALESMAN: 21. Do you have a credit card
11 in your name?
12 CUSTOMER: Yes, sir.
13 SALESMAN: Yeah, we can help you.
14 CUSTOMER: Okay.
15 SALESMAN: Starting when did you need
16 that?
17 CUSTOMER: On Tuesday.
18 SALESMAN: For how long?
19 CUSTOMER: Just the day.
20 SALESMAN: Local use right here in L.A.,
21 or are you taking a trip out someplace?
22 CUSTOMER: I’m taking it out of town,
23 San Luis Obispo.
24 SALESMAN: San Luis Obispo and then back
25 again? Sure, I have a car available.
1 Being that you’re under the age of 25,
2 it’s an additional charge of $25 per day for the
3 rental car. The car itself will be 29.95 a day.
5 SALESMAN: Plus the $10 charge.
7 SALESMAN: You get 100 miles free per day
8 with the car.
9 CUSTOMER: Okay. And what is the
10 excess charge for —
11 SALESMAN: Beyond that will be 20 cents a
12 mile.
13 CUSTOMER: Okay. And what is your
14 insurance policy?
15 SALESMAN: The cars come with liability
16 free of charge. The collision damage waiver is
17 optional. It’s $9 a day.
18 CUSTOMER: Okay. Great. Thanks so
19 much.
20 SALESMAN: You’re welcome.
21 —o0o—
22 ///
23 ///
24 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Hello. Rent a Wreck. May I
5 help you, please?
6 CUSTOMER: Yeah. Hi. I just called
7 and you gave me a rate of $129 a week.
8 SALESMAN: Yes, ma’am.
9 CUSTOMER: Is that unlimited mileage or
10 do I have to pay for miles?
11 SALESMAN: We’ll give you 500 miles a
12 week free.
13 CUSTOMER: 500 miles a week?
14 SALESMAN: Um-hmm.
15 CUSTOMER: Thank you very much.
16 SALESMAN: Okay.
18 —o0o—
19 ///
20 ///
21 ///
2 between Salesman and Customer:
4 SALESMAN: Hello. Rent a Wreck. May I
5 help you, please?
6 CUSTOMER: I’m calling to see if you
7 guys happen to have any cars available.
8 SALESMAN: Today?
10 SALESMAN: Sure. We have a few.
11 CUSTOMER: What’s the cheapest ones
12 you have available?
13 SALESMAN: Okay. And when would you need
14 one? How long would you need one for? I’m sorry.
15 CUSTOMER: Actually, (inaudible)
16 probably until Monday.
17 SALESMAN: Monday. Okay. And you just
18 plan on driving locally and around Los Angeles with
19 the vehicle?
20 CUSTOMER: Yes, yes.
21 SALESMAN: And you’re age 25 and older?
22 CUSTOMER: 23.
23 SALESMAN: 23. Okay. That’s fine. Do
24 you have a major credit card (inaudible) your name,
25 sir?
2 SALESMAN: Okay. When you get your car,
3 just the only thing, we have to charge you a $10
4 per day underage charge. We can get you a car.
5 What we have is 24.95 per day.
6 CUSTOMER: Really.
7 SALESMAN: Plus $10 a day underage.
8 CUSTOMER: All right. Because my car
9 is in the shop.
11 CUSTOMER: That’s why.
12 SALESMAN: We can pick you up. Where are
13 you located right now?
14 CUSTOMER: Actually, see, I had a
15 U-Haul truck.
16 SALESMAN: Um-hmm.
17 CUSTOMER: And I have to return that,
18 and it’s kind of near you guys.
19 SALESMAN: Okay.
20 CUSTOMER: I’ll just walk over there.
21 I have to go to U-Haul on Olympic and — what is
22 it? Centinela? I have to go over there, so you’re
23 just down the block, right?
24 SALESMAN: We’re not far.
25 CUSTOMER: Yeah.
1 SALESMAN: You want to book a
2 reservation, sir?
4 SALESMAN: Okay. Well, actually we can
5 pick you up there from the U-Haul place.
6 CUSTOMER: That’s all right. I’ll
7 walk.
8 SALESMAN: What is your name, please?
10 SALESMAN: Your last name, John?
11 CUSTOMER: Starge, S-t-a-r-g-e
12 SALESMAN: And your phone number?
13 CUSTOMER: 310-316- —
14 SALESMAN: 316?
15 CUSTOMER: 5075.
16 SALESMAN: Okay. I’ll have you set up.
17 And you know exactly where I’m at? I’m on
18 Centinela and Pico.
19 CUSTOMER: Okay. What kind of car is
20 this?
21 SALESMAN: Well, we got a few here that
22 you can choose from.
23 CUSTOMER: All right. Thanks.
24 SALESMAN: Okay.
25 —o0o—
2 between Salesman and Man:
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help you,
5 please?
6 RESTAURANT MAN: It’s ordered, sir.
7 SALESMAN: What — okay. You ordered it?
8 MAN: Yeah.
9 SALESMAN: So what did you order?
10 MAN: Sandwiches.
11 SALESMAN: Okay. How many? I’m trying
12 to get a monetary figure here.
13 MAN: Okay. We got one — quarter
14 sandwiches and a salad (inaudible) — five things.
15 Could be like around 25 bucks.
16 SALESMAN: All right. That’s cool. All
17 right.
18 Later.
19 —o0o—
20 ///
21 ///
22 ///
2 between Salesman and (No response):
4 SALESMAN: (inaudible). May I help
5 you?
6 (Dial tone.)
7 —o0o—
8 ///
9 ///
10 ///
2 between Salesman and Beth Meyer
4 SALESMAN: Rent a Wreck. May I help
5 you, please?
6 BETH MEYER: Yes. I called about an
7 hour ago and reserved a car, I guess —
9 BETH MEYER: — under Beth Meyer.
10 SALESMAN: I’m sorry. What was that?
11 BETH MEYER: It was under Beth
12 Meyer
13 SALESMAN: Okay.
14 BETH MEYER: And can you come pick us
15 up now?
16 SALESMAN: Sure. Let me just get your
17 reservation out, okay?
18 BETH MEYER: Okay.
19 SALESMAN: One second, please.
20 We rented a car (inaudible) — I mean,
21 I called her —
22 RADIO ANNOUNCER: Preliminary and the
23 wind. The two one fast ball again outside, high
24 and outside —
25 BETH MEYER: (Simultaneous,
1 inaudible) and pick up the car.
2 RADIO ANNOUNCER: — and (inaudible)
3 ahead of the count, three balls, one strike.
4 SALESMAN: Okay, Liz. Where are you?
5 (End of Tape 1, Side A.)
6 —o0o—
7 ///
8 ///
9 ///
1 (Tape 1, Side B begins:)
4 between Dave Schwartz and Evan Chandler:
6 (Dial tone.)
7 MR. SCHWARTZ: Hey, Ev.
8 MR. CHANDLER: Hi, Dave.
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: How you doing?
10 Thanks for calling me back.
11 MR. CHANDLER: Okay. I’m in the car.
12 I’m on the way home.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay.
14 MR. CHANDLER: Where are you?
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: I’m at work.
16 MR. CHANDLER: You’re at [tape
17 irregularity].
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: You want to come by
19 here?
20 MR. CHANDLER: No. I’m wasted, Man.
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, but I’m — we
22 gotta talk this out.
23 MR. CHANDLER: Nothing to talk about.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Of course we can talk it
25 out.
1 MR. CHANDLER: Just be there tomorrow
2 if you want to hear what I want to say. That’s
3 all. And if they’re not there, then there’s
4 nothing that anybody has to say, and that’s the end
5 of it.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, let me ask you
7 this:
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: What if like, say, June
10 and I are there?
11 MR. CHANDLER: No good.
13 MR. CHANDLER: They all have to be
14 there.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: They all have to be
16 there.
17 In fact, if anybody were missing, it
18 would be June that I wouldn’t care the most.
20 MR. CHANDLER: June. The one that I
21 car the most about —
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay. How about if
23 Jordy and I go?
24 MR. CHANDLER: No. Jordy and you?
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
1 MR. CHANDLER: And me?
5 MR. CHANDLER: That’s silly. No.
6 Michael has to be there. Michael has to be there.
7 He’s the main one. He’s the one I want.
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, do you think
9 he’s a bad guy?
10 MR. CHANDLER: Michael?
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: He’s an evil guy. He’s
13 worse than bad.
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. And why do you
15 believe that?
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Why do you believe that?
18 MR. CHANDLER: I have the evidence to
19 prove it.
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
21 MR. CHANDLER: You’ll believe it, too,
22 when you hear —
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: Wait. Let me ask you
24 something. I mean, you trust me, right?
25 MR. CHANDLER: Let me put it to you
1 this way, Dave. Nobody in this world was allowed
2 to come between this family of June, me and Jordy.
3 That was the hard [tape irregularity] be the
4 opposite. That’s evil. That’s one reason why he’s
5 evil.
6 I spoke to him about it, Dave. I even
7 told him that [tape irregularity] the family.
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: When did you talk to
9 him?
10 MR. CHANDLER: About that?
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: Months ago. When I
13 first met him I told him that.
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
15 MR. CHANDLER: That’s the law. That’s
16 the first thing he knew. Nobody’s allowed to do
17 that. Now there’s no family anymore.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
19 MR. CHANDLER: I mean
20 Jordy’s — Jordy’s my life. Period.
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: How does this help it.
22 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
23 inaudible) my life.
24 What?
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: How does this help it?
1 MR. CHANDLER: It doesn’t. It doesn’t.
2 I don’t know how it’ll help it. It can’t hurt it
3 anymore. It’s — I have — that’s why I have
4 nothing to lose.
5 I made this really clear to them. If
6 they’re all there, we could all sit and talk. If
7 they’re not there —
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, let me ask —
9 okay.
10 MR. CHANDLER: — taking it out of my
11 hands, and there won’t be any talking anymore.
12 They have a chance. They have a chance to talk it
13 out.
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
15 MR. CHANDLER: If they’re not in a
16 calm, peaceful manner —
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
18 MR. CHANDLER: — even said you can be
19 there. You could be there. I’m not going to do
20 anything with you there. Michael can come with 20
21 bodyguards and all with guns if he wants to. He
22 can even come there with his [tape irregularity].
23 I don’t care. All I’m saying is everybody who’s a
24 party to this (inaudible) sit down and talk about
25 it.
1 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, I don’t disagree
2 with that.
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: No, we’re not. See,
5 now —
6 MR. CHANDLER: — don’t want to be
7 there, then they have made it to the point where I
8 can’t talk to them about it —
10 MR. CHANDLER: — so I have to force
11 them to the table —
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, no. I don’t
13 disagree with everyone sits down and talks about
14 it.
15 MR. CHANDLER: Well, that’s what I’m
16 calling — that’s what I called him about. Hello?
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: You mean, that was the
18 message on the machine?
19 MR. CHANDLER: No. The man — yeah.
20 That was the message on the machine. It said
21 they’d better be there, because on the other times
22 they tried — hello?
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
24 MR. CHANDLER: The other times I tried
25 to tell them that I needed to talk to them, all I
1 got was, “Go fuck yourself. We’re not talking to
2 you.”
3 So now I had to let them know and make
4 sure that they know they’d [tape irregularity]
5 they’re gonna get hurt by it, so (inaudible) — I
6 had to make [tape irregularity] if they don’t sit
7 down and talk to me they’re gonna get hurt. They
8 can’t keep telling me to go fuck myself anymore.
9 They have to talk. I want to talk to them. I
10 don’t want to hurt anybody. They’re forcing me to
11 do it. They’re forcing me to do it by refusing to
12 sit down and talk to me. That’s all I ask for.
13 “You sit down and you talk to me [tape
14 irregularity] side of the story, I’ll listen to
15 yours, we all sit down and see how it could be
16 resolved.”
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. So that’s
18 there —
19 MR. CHANDLER: That’s all I ask for.
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, but —
21 MR. CHANDLER: Michael can come with
22 all his bodyguards and his lawyer if he wants to.
23 I don’t really care, as long as everything gets
24 aired out. That’s it. And if I walk away
25 dissatisfied, then I’ll take it to the next step.
1 That’s all. If they walk away dissatisfied, they
2 have the right to do that, too. At least [tape
3 irregularity] nothing will get resolved except for
4 the fact that we’ll agree to meet again and talk
5 about it.
7 MR. CHANDLER: I don’t know where it’ll
8 go, but I’m saying is that when people — when
9 you — when people cut off communication totally,
10 you only have two choices: To forget about them,
11 or you get frustrated by their action. I can’t
12 forget about them. I love them. That’s it. I
13 don’t like them. I still love Jordy, but I do not
14 like them because I do not like the people that
15 they’ve become, but I do love them, and because I
16 love them I don’t want to see them [tape
17 irregularity]. That’s why I was willing to talk.
18 I have nothing to gain by talking. If
19 I go through with this, I win big time. There’s no
20 way that I lose. I’ve checked that out inside out.
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: But when you say
22 “winning,” what are you talking about, “winning”?
23 MR. CHANDLER: I will get everything I
24 want, and they will be totally — they will be
25 destroyed forever. They will be destroyed. June
1 is gonna lose Jordy. She will have no right to
2 ever see him again.
4 MR. CHANDLER: That’s a fact, Dave.
5 That’s what —
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: Does that help —
7 MR. CHANDLER: — Michael the career
8 will be over.
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: Does that help Jordy?
10 MR. CHANDLER: Michael’s career will be
11 over.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: And does that help
13 Jordy?
14 MR. CHANDLER: It’s irrelevant to me.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, but I mean the
16 bottom line is —
17 MR. CHANDLER: The bottom line to me
18 is, yes, June is harming him, and Michael is
19 harming him. I can prove that, and I will prove
20 that
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: — and if they force me
23 to go to court about it, I will [tape
24 irregularity], and I will be granted custody. She
25 will have no rights whatsoever.
2 MR. CHANDLER: Now, I’m willing to sit
3 down and talk to her. If she wants to tell me to
4 go fuck myself after that, she’s welcome to do it,
5 and then she’ll either be right or wrong. [tape
6 irregularity] I’ll win, maybe I’ll lose. I have
7 the [tape irregularity]
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: [tape irregularity] for
9 custody?
10 MR. CHANDLER: Forget the custody
11 thing. It’s gonna go further than that.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: But what’s the
13 bottom — I mean, what is the bottom line, though?
14 MR. CHANDLER: What do you mean?
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: The bottom line is, I
16 mean, your responsibility and my responsibility —
17 MR. CHANDLER: The bottom line
18 (simultaneous, inaudible) what I want?
20 MR. CHANDLER: Is that what you’re
21 saying?
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. I mean —
23 MR. CHANDLER: — what I want?
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, what’s our
25 responsibility in life, really?
1 MR. CHANDLER: Well, you don’t have any
2 right —
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: The kids is the number
4 one —
5 MR. CHANDLER: — to discuss that.
7 MR. CHANDLER: You don’t have any right
8 to discuss that.
10 MR. CHANDLER: You’re a negligent
11 father. You don’t have a right, by your own
12 admission before. You told me that you were
13 negligent.
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
15 MR. CHANDLER: You were negligent to
16 Jordy, and you’ve been negligent to Kelly.
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
18 MR. CHANDLER: In a court — in a court
19 of law, June could prove you negligent in one flat
20 fucking second.
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. So?
22 MR. CHANDLER: You don’t have any right
23 to all of a sudden decide that you’re going to be a
24 good father or have a conversation about what’s
25 right to do. I’ve never condemned you for it. I
1 know what you’re going through [tape irregularity]
2 that. I understand you have to stay away in order
3 to be a normal human being. I understand that, but
4 no one’s gonna give a shit about that in court.
5 You and I live [tape irregularity] but
6 I’m still living through it every day at my office,
7 and it’s just bad for me too, believe me, and I
8 understand you really well, and I know why [tape
9 irregularity] she’ll make you look bad in one
10 second.
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. I don’t disagree
12 with that.
13 MR. CHANDLER: Okay. Well, this time
14 it’s gonna be the other way around because
15 she — you see, I love him so much that I’m willing
16 to destroy my own life to protect him —
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
18 MR. CHANDLER: — to do what I think is
19 the best thing to do, not just — it’s not what I
20 think. I’ve gotten professional [tape
21 irregularity] everybody agrees that the only thing
22 that was insane is that I didn’t step in a long —
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: This is —
24 MR. CHANDLER: This is —
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: — detrimental to him?
1 MR. CHANDLER: Extremely harmful to
2 him.
4 MR. CHANDLER: Everybody agrees with
5 that. I mean, they — it’s their opinions that
6 have convinced me to not stay away.
7 You know, I’m not confrontational.
8 I’ve got an [tape irregularity] inclination to do
9 what you do, say, “Okay. Go fuck yourself. Go do
10 what you want to do, and, you know, call me some
11 day. I’ll see you then. I got a [tape
12 irregularity],” but I’ve been so convinced by
13 professional opinions that I have been negligent in
14 not stepping in sooner that now it’s made me
15 insane. Now I actually feel [tape irregularity] —
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Oh, I do, and I —
17 MR. CHANDLER: — [tape irregularity]
18 more important than the money, if the kid’s more
19 important that you are, and they’re more important
20 than I am —
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: And they are.
22 MR. CHANDLER: Okay. Then —
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: But let me ask —
24 MR. CHANDLER: — by action, Dave.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay, but —
1 MR. CHANDLER: Staying away from the
2 family is not a good way of indicating that you
3 care about your family. It’s a copout, and you —
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, I don’t know if
5 it’s a copout. It might be the —
6 MR. CHANDLER: My feeling is, Dave, my
7 feeling is that when you have really good
8 communication with somebody, you don’t have to stay
9 away from them.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, what happens when
11 you —
12 MR. CHANDLER: — agree, but at least
13 you could talk. You know, as long as you’re
14 talking, nobody’s gonna get hurt. When the talking
15 stops, that’s when people get hurt.
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. And that’s what
17 happened with you?
18 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah, that’s what
19 happened with me. They won’t return my phone
20 calls. June called me once last week.
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: She told me to go fuck
23 myself. Not in those words.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
25 MR. CHANDLER: But you don’t have to
1 say it in those words.
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: But you know June.
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, you know her
5 thing is that she has to get the last word in.
6 MR. CHANDLER: Well, she isn’t this
7 time, Dave, and you want to know something —
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, but you put her
9 down for that?
10 MR. CHANDLER: Do I put her down?
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: For that?
12 MR. CHANDLER: I never did before, but
13 when her getting her last word is now going to be
14 harmful to Jordy, yes, I am going to step in, and,
15 again, I’m not telling you this is my — my opinion
16 was formed by —
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
18 MR. CHANDLER: — but this is my
19 perception of [tape irregularity] professional
20 opinions to make sure I wasn’t going off the deep
21 end here.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: And all I’m telling you
24 is — I’ve always said this to June, and I’ve said
25 this to Monique also, and I’ll say this to anybody
1 I can. No matter what I do, you’re wrong
2 automatically if you don’t sit down and talk about
3 it, because my feeling is [tape irregularity] and
4 you [tape irregularity] talk anything will be
5 worked out. But as soon as you cut off
6 communication you only frustrate the other person.
7 And that makes — and that makes you wrong [tape
8 irregularity] worse that way.
9 You say to them, “I don’t care enough
10 about you to sit down and talk.”
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: I don’t disagree with
12 that.
13 MR. CHANDLER: Well, that’s all I was
14 asking. I’ve asked them for a month to sit down
15 and talk to me, and I’m very disturbed and very
16 concerned. I want them to hear my concerns.
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
18 MR. CHANDLER: Let them just tell me
19 why I’m wrong. Let them just tell me that [tape
20 irregularity] detrimental, et cetera. Let them
21 just tell me that. And maybe I’ll disagree with
22 them, and then we’ll take it from there.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: But at least you can
24 talk about it.
25 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah. I mean, they will
1 not talk.
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well —
3 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
4 inaudible) forced me —
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well —
6 MR. CHANDLER: What do I do? I mean,
7 in the opinion of these experts, I would be a
8 negligent father if I did not do what I am now
9 doing.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
11 MR. CHANDLER: In fact, in their
12 opinion I have been negligent not to put a stop to
13 [tape irregularity] opinion.
14 I happen to agree with them now. I
15 didn’t agree with them at first.
16 Michael [tape irregularity] nice [tape
17 irregularity] —
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: So why do you think he’s
19 not nice?
20 MR. CHANDLER: Why? Because he broke
21 up the family, that’s why.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: And he was put on notice
24 from the first sentence out of my mouth was,
25 “Michael, I think you’re really a great guy.
1 You’re welcome into the family, as long as you are
2 who you seem to be, but don’t take anything [tape
3 irregularity].” I mean, that to me was the worst
4 thing anybody could do to me.
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: And you think he did it?
6 MR. CHANDLER: Well, Dave, if he wasn’t
7 in the picture, everything would be as it was.
8 I’m not —
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: But that’s sort of —
10 MR. CHANDLER: — saying that he did it
11 premeditatively, and I’m not saying he did it on
12 his own.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
14 MR. CHANDLER: I’m saying that he might
15 have — it might have just evolved that way, and it
16 might have evolved that [tape irregularity] desire,
17 so I’m blaming all three of them, but when I come
18 to that [tape irregularity], it really makes me
19 hate June because the family was inviolate, [tape
20 irregularity] felt about it. There was nothing I
21 had.
22 I mean, you came in this family and
23 made it better. It was great. Someone else comes
24 along and breaks it up.
25 You know how [tape irregularity].
1 Okay. So do I [tape irregularity] coming into the
2 family who’s going to do good things for the
3 family.
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: But, I mean —
5 MR. CHANDLER: Michael divided and
6 conquered, Dave.
7 MR. SCHWARTZ: He what?
8 MR. CHANDLER: He divided and
9 conquered.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well —
11 MR. CHANDLER: He did, Dave. He did.
13 MR. CHANDLER: June and I agreed on the
14 issue, whether it was her side or my side. If we
15 both thought the same way [tape irregularity] any
16 frustration. The fact is we both do not think the
17 same way, and he — and I sincerely believe that he
18 either consciously [tape irregularity] manipulated
19 that. I think he consciously manipulated that
20 because Michael Jackson [tape irregularity] the
21 smartest streetwise people —
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: — that I’ve ever met,
24 and if you sit down and have any long conversations
25 with him, [tape irregularity] that guy is extremely
1 bright.
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: So is that good or bad?
3 MR. CHANDLER: That he’s bright?
5 MR. CHANDLER: I think that if you use
6 it for bad then you’re evil.
7 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, do you think he’s
8 sensitive?
9 MR. CHANDLER: Do I what?
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, you know him a
11 lot better than I know him. I don’t know him. I
12 mean, I’ve talked to him a couple times, but —
13 MR. CHANDLER: I thought I knew him.
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you think he’s
15 sensitive?
16 MR. CHANDLER: I think he’s totally
17 insensitive. I think he’s sensitive — I think
18 he’s an extremely selfish person.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you think that he
20 knows what was going on?
21 MR. CHANDLER: Of course he knows that.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, this is the
23 bottom line. The bottom line is I abandoned the
24 family.
25 MR. CHANDLER: What?
1 MR. SCHWARTZ: The bottom line is I
2 abandoned the family. That’s the bottom line.
3 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
4 inaudible) line —
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: — so this is —
6 MR. CHANDLER: The bottom line
7 is — the bottom line is he took Jordy out of the
8 family with June’s help.
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, yes and no, but, I
10 mean, there’s a lot of things, and I — I mean,
11 you’re bright, you’re sensitive —
12 MR. CHANDLER: Why don’t I put it this
13 way, Dave. If you were there all the time, living
14 in that house —
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: It wouldn’t have
16 happened.
17 MR. CHANDLER: That’s right. It
18 wouldn’t have even had a chance to happen.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: It wouldn’t have
20 happened, and I — it’s all my fault.
21 MR. CHANDLER: No, it isn’t all your
22 fault.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: It is definitely a
24 hundred percent my fault.
25 MR. CHANDLER: I’ll tell you what.
1 Whenever you have an argument with somebody, when I
2 have an argument with Monique, when you have an
3 argument with June, if I have an argument with you,
4 it’s rarely one sided. There’s almost — you know,
5 there’s always two sides to every —
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. There’s ten sides
7 to every —
8 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
9 inaudible) you can’t tell me, realistically, that
10 June didn’t frustrate the hell out of you so many
11 times that you finally left the house just to be
12 sane, just to be alone and come back to your own
13 sanity to get anyplace with her.
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, you know, I agree
15 with that completely, but the only thing is
16 what — see, I haven’t only done it with June. I
17 do it in every other relationship and in my work
18 relationships.
19 MR. CHANDLER: Well, then —
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: So it’s my hangup.
21 MR. CHANDLER: — problem with that,
22 then that problem has ultimately ended up bringing
23 the family to this point. But you’re not solely to
24 blame for it. It doesn’t mean that June was
25 still — I didn’t do anything that — they didn’t
1 have the right to take my kid away from me, to
2 break up the family.
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well —
4 I’m in my garage. Can I call you back
5 from the house?
7 MR. CHANDLER: At the same number?
9 MR. CHANDLER: If I don’t call you back
10 in five minutes it means it’s off my pager. Call
11 me at the house.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay.
13 MR. CHANDLER: I’m in the garage right
14 now.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay.
18 —o0o—
19 ///
20 ///
21 ///
2 between Dave Schwartz and Evan Chandler:
5 MR. CHANDLER: Hi. I’m on a cordless
6 phone, so let’s not use —
7 MR. SCHWARTZ: Don’t you have a regular
8 phone?
9 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah, but it’s in the
10 kitchen, and I don’t want to go upstairs.
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay.
12 MR. CHANDLER: I’m still wasted, Man.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Not as tired as me. Oh,
14 you’re probably as tired as me.
15 MR. CHANDLER: Well, I mean, we just
16 don’t — we don’t have to mention any names.
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay. If we could do
18 this: If — I’m telling you, and you know
19 I — just talking it out, I mean, I have a definite
20 communication problem in my — I mean, what happens
21 is when I get frustrated or I — I mean, I just
22 withdraw. I’ve been doing it forever. I mean,
23 I’ve done it forever with everything, and it works,
24 you know, for — it works for me. I mean because I
25 get through it and it just works and then I’m back
1 and it’s no —
2 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah, except do you want
3 to know something? That can also be — you think
4 that that’s the best way to do something, but if
5 you look at it closely, I mean, I’ve always been
6 that way too. Nothing’s really worked (inaudible)
7 confrontation, and nothing’s as big a deal as it
8 seems [tape irregularity] —
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: Oh, yeah.
10 MR. CHANDLER: — except — and so you
11 back off, and everything sort of takes care of
12 itself —
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right, in time.
14 MR. CHANDLER: — except in this time
15 my looking the other way and my failing to deal
16 with the issues have harmed my son greatly. I
17 believe that.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, are you talking
19 about harmed him in the relationship with you?
20 MR. CHANDLER: Well, that’s for sure.
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: But —
22 MR. CHANDLER: — (inaudible) forever.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, you know, I think
24 he’s frustrated about me and maybe taking it out on
25 you.
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: Because — no. He has
3 said a few things in the past. You know, I’ve
4 disappeared for, you know, long periods of time.
5 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah, you have.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right. And he has
7 mentioned — you know, he’s a real sensitive kid —
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: But why do you take
9 total blame for it? It’s never one person’s fault.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Now I’m telling you it’s
11 my fault. I know it’s my fault, and —
12 MR. CHANDLER: You see —
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: — whatever —
14 MR. CHANDLER: — you think by doing
15 that you might be — you might be doing a lot of
16 harm.
17 How many times can an [tape
18 irregularity] — when there’s two human beings
19 involved, there’s two sides to the story. I mean,
20 it’s automatic. Two people could witness the same
21 story in two different ways. What I’m saying is
22 that I was married to June. I’ve known June
23 since —
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. For a long time.
25 MR. CHANDLER: — ’71 or something like
1 that, so what I’m saying is that I know her really
2 well. I think I do. Maybe I don’t. I guess I
3 don’t because I suddenly saw a part of her — a
4 side of her which I really hate.
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, but they’re into
6 survival.
7 MR. CHANDLER: What do you mean?
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: They’re into survival —
9 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
10 inaudible) are you talking about? What do you mean
11 “survival”? Because why? What makes it — what do
12 you mean?
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, I mean, they don’t
14 know what’s going on. I have made them — June’s
15 real macho —
16 MR. CHANDLER: That’s exactly right.
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: — on the surface, and
18 underneath she’s just insecure like all of us.
19 Everyone is.
20 MR. CHANDLER: Dave —
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Everyone’s insecure.
22 JFK was insecure. Everyone is.
23 MR. CHANDLER: Okay.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: That’s the bottom line.
25 MR. CHANDLER: Okay. Let’s say they
1 are.
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay. Now, I haven’t
3 really analyzed this until we’re just talking right
4 now.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: I put the blame on me a
7 hundred percent.
8 MR. CHANDLER: You put the blame on
9 you —
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Completely a hundred
11 percent.
12 MR. CHANDLER: I’m sorry. I —
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Completely.
14 MR. CHANDLER: Let me put it to you
15 this way, okay? You put all of — you put the
16 three of them on the stand (simultaneous,
17 inaudible) —
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
19 MR. CHANDLER: — any questions, and
20 they will all be asked questions, and they will all
21 have psychological examinations —
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: — (simultaneous,
24 inaudible) given lie detector tests.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
1 MR. CHANDLER: I’m going to tell you
2 what. There is no excuse in law for June having
3 done what she does. Despite the fact that you
4 might say it’s your fault —
6 MR. CHANDLER: — whatever you say is
7 going to [tape irregularity] capable of making her
8 own decisions —
10 MR. CHANDLER: — and she made those
11 decisions to the harm of her son, despite the fact
12 that, yeah, maybe she’s insecure, maybe she’s macho
13 on the surface, and maybe you fucked her over.
14 Maybe you did. Maybe you didn’t.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: Nobody’s gonna give a
17 shit about that. I know what you’re saying.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
19 MR. CHANDLER: And I agree with you,
20 and I think that had you two had a really good
21 [tape irregularity], maybe she wouldn’t have had to
22 do what she did.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
24 MR. CHANDLER: And I know what you’re
25 saying, and it breaks my heart, but I truly believe
1 my son is being harmed greatly and that his
2 life — he could be fucked up for the rest of his
3 life [tape irregularity].
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: You gotta tell me why
5 you think he’s being screwed up.
6 MR. CHANDLER: I have the evidence.
7 MR. SCHWARTZ: I know, but what — I
8 don’t know what evidence. I don’t know what you’re
9 talking about.
10 MR. CHANDLER: Well, you’ll see.
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: But why can’t you tell
12 me? I swear —
13 MR. CHANDLER: You show up in court and
14 you’ll see it on the big fucking screen —
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: But what —
16 MR. CHANDLER: — and then you’ll know
17 what I’m talking about.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
19 MR. CHANDLER: And you’ll hear in on
20 tape recordings.
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: You’ll hear it all.
23 You’ll see it all, just like I have.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
25 MR. CHANDLER: It cost me thousands,
1 tens of thousands of dollars —
3 MR. CHANDLER: — to get the
4 information I got, and I — you know I don’t have
5 that kind of money —
7 MR. CHANDLER: — and I spent it, and
8 I’m willing to spend more, and I’m willing —
10 MR. CHANDLER: — to go down
11 financially to —
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you think that’s
13 going to help Jordy?
14 MR. CHANDLER: Dave, Jordy’s — I
15 believe that Jordy’s already irreparably harmed.
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
17 MR. CHANDLER: That’s my true belief.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, do you think
19 that he’s fucking him?
20 MR. CHANDLER: I don’t know. I have no
21 idea.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: But harmed in — in just
23 been spoiled?
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Just tell me —
1 MR. CHANDLER: You know, you gotta
2 forgive me for one thing, but I have been told by
3 my lawyer that if I say one thing to anybody —
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. Okay.
5 MR. CHANDLER: — don’t bother calling
6 him again. He said this case is so open [tape
7 irregularity] “You open your mouth and you blow
8 it,” he said, “just don’t come back to me.”
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay. I respect that.
10 Okay.
11 MR. CHANDLER: Not that I don’t trust
12 you or anything —
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: I know. I respect it.
14 MR. CHANDLER: You have a vested
15 interest in it —
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay.
17 MR. CHANDLER: And let me tell you
18 this, by the way: What harm would it be to you,
19 what harm would it be to your relationship to June,
20 if Michael wasn’t around anymore?
21 You say that you [tape irregularity]
22 your fault. You say that you made her insecure.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: Wait.
24 MR. CHANDLER: So if he wasn’t around
25 anymore —
2 MR. CHANDLER: — what do you think
3 she’s going to do? She’s going to come back to
4 you.
5 She doesn’t need you anymore. She
6 doesn’t even want you around anymore. She’s told
7 me and she’s told you — I’m sure she’s told you
8 that if [tape irregularity] Michael she’ll get rid
9 of you. She’s told me that. She means it.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well —
11 MR. CHANDLER: She means —
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: The only thing I told
13 you before is I told her I didn’t want him buying
14 her things in Europe. I gave her some money. And
15 then when he did buy her things and she told me, I
16 got pissed off at her. And that’s it, and that’s
17 really the whole thing. That’s all we ever talked
18 about.
19 MR. CHANDLER: How do you feel about
20 her going off on tour with him? You told me when
21 you were there the other day that everybody’s been
22 calling you saying “Your wife’s been [tape
23 irregularity]” —
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: It does [tape
25 irregularity] —
1 MR. CHANDLER: And let me tell you
2 something, by the way. That’s the best thing that
3 could happen to him, is that people think he’s
4 interested in June.
6 MR. CHANDLER: The fact is, he has no
7 interest in her whatsoever. The fact is he doesn’t
8 even care about her. He doesn’t even like her.
9 He’s [tape irregularity] —
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: You don’t think he likes
11 her?
12 MR. CHANDLER: I know he doesn’t. He
13 told me he doesn’t. He can’t stand her. He told
14 me that when —
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Huh! He can’t stand
16 her?
17 MR. CHANDLER: No. He told me that
18 when he was in my house.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
20 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah. At that point he
21 liked us better than — Jordy too. Jordy’s the
22 same as Michael. It was a simple divide and
23 conquer. They felt us both out.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
25 MR. CHANDLER: They saw who was going
1 to let them do what they wanted to do, and then
2 they made their choice.
4 MR. CHANDLER: And until I had a talk
5 with Jordy one day at [tape irregularity] —
7 MR. CHANDLER: — they were gonna come
8 live with me. They were gonna pack up, leave
9 June’s house, and come here.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
11 MR. CHANDLER: That’s what they were
12 going to do, because they were getting more
13 resistance from her than they were getting from me.
14 You cannot tell this stuff — you cannot — I’m
15 confiding in you, okay, Dave?
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay.
17 MR. CHANDLER: Right? That’s —
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Absolutely.
19 MR. CHANDLER: Nobody’s to know this
20 conversation —
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: — (simultaneous,
23 inaudible) except you and me; is that right?
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay.
25 MR. CHANDLER: You promise me?
1 MR. SCHWARTZ: I promise you.
2 MR. CHANDLER: Okay. What I’m telling
3 you is that Jordy and Michael are users.
5 MR. CHANDLER: They had — they were
6 gonna — they had their own relationship.
8 MR. CHANDLER: They want to carry it
9 out the way they want to carry it out. They don’t
10 want anybody getting in the way [tape
11 irregularity] — least resistance, and that’s the
12 way they’re going. They simply divided and
13 conquered, and June went along with it. And she
14 was wrong because she did it to the detriment of
15 Jordy.
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
17 MR. CHANDLER: Jordy is not old enough
18 to make these kind of [tape irregularity] that he’s
19 making.
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: But is that a huge life
21 decision?
22 MR. CHANDLER: Oh, you bet it is.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you — were
24 you — let me ask you this: Did you ever pull away
25 from your parents when you were a teenager?
1 MR. CHANDLER: I hated my parents.
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you think Jordy hates
3 you?
4 MR. CHANDLER: If he doesn’t, he’s
5 gonna hate me tomorrow.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: But why do you —
7 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
8 inaudible) to —
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you want that?
10 MR. CHANDLER: It doesn’t matter what I
11 want.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: But why would you want
13 him to hate you, and why would you want to put him
14 through that —
15 MR. CHANDLER: Because all I care about
16 is what happens to him in the long run.
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, the long run, is
18 that going to be healthy in the long run?
19 MR. CHANDLER: According to the
20 experts?
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: Absolutely.
23 According to the experts, if it goes on
24 the way it is, he’s doomed. He has no chance of
25 ever being a happy, healthy, normal human being, no
1 [tape irregularity].
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: So what happens if you
3 force him not to see him?
4 MR. CHANDLER: Not to see Michael?
6 MR. CHANDLER: Nobody’s saying for sure
7 what will happen. Most people’s feeling is that
8 he’s gonna go on and hate me for a long time and
9 then some day when he gets older he’ll thank me.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. And why do you
11 think he hates you now?
12 MR. CHANDLER: I said I think
13 he’ll — I said he may or may not hate me now —
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
15 MR. CHANDLER: — but he’ll definitely
16 hate me tomorrow.
17 He’ll hate me, why? Because I’m taking
18 Michael away from him. That’s why.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
20 MR. CHANDLER: And that’s a —
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: So you really think
22 Michael’s bad for him?
23 MR. CHANDLER: I know Michael’s bad for
24 him.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
1 MR. CHANDLER: You know how I know
2 that?
3 Why would somebody, Dave — if you tell
4 me this, think of this logically. What reason
5 would he want us split up — [tape irregularity]
6 would he want me out of the way? What would be the
7 reason, unless he has something to hide?
9 MR. CHANDLER: I know what he has to
10 hide. I happen to know what it is.
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: But I can’t tell you.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay.
14 MR. CHANDLER: I’m just asking you in
15 terms of logic. You know me. I’m not — I’m a
16 pretty liberal guy.
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
18 MR. CHANDLER: I don’t get in anybody’s
19 way, okay? So, I mean, what reason would he want
20 me out of the way to such an extent that neither
21 one of them will take my phone calls, neither one
22 of them will talk to me?
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: I think Jordy’s taken my
24 route of just withdrawing.
25 MR. CHANDLER: Well, one of the lessons
1 he’s gonna learn is that that route doesn’t work.
2 See, you just learned that lesson yourself. By you
3 withdrawing, as you said in your own words, you’re
4 the cause of this whole problem.
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, I think I am.
6 MR. CHANDLER: Okay. So that’s what
7 withdrawal does for you.
8 My approach to the whole thing is that
9 the one person — the person who doesn’t talk is
10 the one who’s wrong, period —
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: — no matter what the
13 action was, I believe everything is preventable,
14 every bad action that anybody takes is — unless
15 you’re truly pathologic —
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
17 MR. CHANDLER: — is probably
18 preventable if you just found somebody who would
19 sit [tape irregularity] you know what? They don’t
20 even have to talk back and give you [tape
21 irregularity] if you get it out, everything will be
22 okay, you know, but that’s my approach. My
23 approach is that the people who don’t talk are the
24 ones who are wrong.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: And I agree with that,
1 totally.
2 MR. CHANDLER: Well, then you’re wrong.
4 MR. CHANDLER: You (inaudible) —
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: I just said I am wrong,
6 but here is the other — I mean, the thing is
7 Jordy’s 13 years old. I’m talking about adults. I
8 mean, I don’t know if he — I mean, you’re his dad.
9 You’re his role model.
10 MR. CHANDLER: No, I’m not his role
11 model.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yes, you are,
13 definitely —
14 MR. CHANDLER: Not anymore.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: You are, positively, in
16 the long run, you’re his role model.
17 MR. CHANDLER: There is no — there
18 isn’t gonna be a long run if things went on like
19 this.
20 Don’t you see? As long as I go along
21 with whatever they want to do —
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: — everything’s okay.
24 As soon as I say you can’t [tape irregularity]
25 anybody —
1 MR. SCHWARTZ: Did you go through that?
2 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah, I went through
3 that.
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: And how old were you?
5 MR. CHANDLER: Why do you — oh, with
6 my parents?
8 MR. CHANDLER: No, I didn’t go through
9 that with my parents. I never had any outside
10 influence on me —
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: — was more powerful
13 than my parents were.
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, I mean, Michael is
15 very seductive, without even trying.
16 MR. CHANDLER: Oh, he’s trying, believe
17 me. He just looks like he’s not trying because
18 he’s so damn good at it.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, I mean, it’s —
20 MR. CHANDLER: Dave, he fooled me —
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: — I’ll tell you that.
23 He fooled me, for a while.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, do you think
25 this is —
1 MR. CHANDLER: There’s no reason why
2 they would have to cut me out unless they — unless
3 they need me to be away so they can do certain
4 things which I don’t think are good to be doing.
6 MR. CHANDLER: And I — and not only
7 that, but I don’t even have anything to say about
8 it, okay? [tape irregularity] I think what they’re
9 doing and it isn’t bad, and so maybe I’m wrong —
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
11 MR. CHANDLER: — but I’m not even
12 getting a chance to express that.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: I think that’s all — I
14 think it’s all fair because —
15 MR. CHANDLER: I had a good
16 communication with Michael.
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
18 MR. CHANDLER: We were friends, you
19 know. I liked him.
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
21 MR. CHANDLER: I respected him and
22 everything else for what he is, you know. There
23 was no reason why he had to stop calling me. He
24 could have called me.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
1 MR. CHANDLER: In fact, Dave, I — you
2 ask Jordy. I sat in the room one day, and I talked
3 to Michael and told him exactly what I want out of
4 this whole relationship, what I want [tape
5 irregularity], okay, so he wouldn’t have to figure
6 me out.
8 MR. CHANDLER: And one of things I said
9 is we always have to be able to talk to each other.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
11 MR. CHANDLER: That’s the rule, okay,
12 because I know that as soon as you stop talking
13 weird things start going on and people [tape
14 irregularity] —
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Imaginations take over.
16 MR. CHANDLER: Imagination will just
17 kill you.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
19 MR. CHANDLER: It causes all kinds of
20 problems, and so, I mean —
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, can you do
22 this —
23 MR. CHANDLER: Do you think
24 you — look. Do you know what it’s like? You go
25 out with — listen. I — just that old expression,
1 you know. It came from some movie. How does it
2 go? “Just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean
3 somebody isn’t [tape irregularity].”
4 You know that expression?
6 MR. CHANDLER: Okay. What it really
7 means is that you may think I’m crazy —
9 MR. CHANDLER: — (simultaneous,
10 inaudible) I’m thinking is actually right, but what
11 I’m saying to you is that I’ve had every single
12 girl — and I am not kidding you — every [tape
13 irregularity] ever gone out with, from the very
14 first girl to the very last, has cheated on me, and
15 I have never cheated on anybody.
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
17 MR. CHANDLER: I would never.
18 Now, if I wanted to, based on that
19 history, I could be so fucking paranoid about
20 girls, I would never —
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: — be able to [tape
23 irregularity] relationship. I wouldn’t be able to
24 [tape irregularity] was like, I couldn’t have a
25 family. I’d be a fucking raving lunatic. Okay?
2 MR. CHANDLER: But what’s my point? My
3 point is that the only thing that keeps me from
4 getting that way is that I can talk about it and be
5 reassured [tape irregularity] on it in my
6 imagination — I mean, my wife’s not home tonight.
8 MR. CHANDLER: She’s gonna be at a
9 meeting until 2:00 o’clock in the morning.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
11 MR. CHANDLER: Right? This has
12 happened many times.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
14 MR. CHANDLER: She’s going to go away
15 to Cannes Film Festival next year —
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
17 MR. CHANDLER: — right? Do you know
18 what that’s like?
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
20 MR. CHANDLER: That Film Festival’s a
21 fucking sex party.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: Next year, without me,
24 okay? Now, if I didn’t have a chance to talk to
25 her about my fears, my [tape irregularity],
1 probably shoot her, or I’d divorce her.
3 MR. CHANDLER: And I’m not saying her
4 as an individual. Wouldn’t matter who — I could
5 be married to Mother Teresa and I’d have the same
6 feeling. It’s just because of what [tape
7 irregularity] that I’ve been — my finger’s been
8 stuck in the electric socket so much that I don’t
9 want to get stuck in there again, so I keep — and
10 girls do that to me, you know? They keep fucking
11 me up, so —
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: So what was —
13 MR. CHANDLER: — bothers me. I might
14 be totally irrational —
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: — but you want to know
17 why I’m not crazy about it at all and I have a
18 great relationship and I trust her and everything
19 is fine?
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
21 MR. CHANDLER: Because she’ll sit down
22 and she’ll talk to me about it.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: And she’s wildly in love
24 with you.
25 MR. CHANDLER: She tells me she is.
1 MR. SCHWARTZ: She is.
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, it’s very
4 obvious.
5 MR. CHANDLER: And you want to know
6 what I told her? I told her this. I said
7 June — “Monique,” I said, “if you ever want to sleep
8 with somebody else or if you don’t love me anymore,
9 if you come to me and you tell me that [tape
10 irregularity] out of the house and fuck his brains
11 out, I’ll love you forever, I’ll support you and
12 wish you well. But if it’s the other way around,
13 you fuck him first and then you [tape
14 irregularity], I’ll kill you, period.” I said,
15 “Those are the rules. If you want to stay with me,
16 you gotta understand that’s the only way I can
17 survive. That’s how I live.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
19 MR. CHANDLER: It’s all comes — that’s
20 what really relationships —
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, trust is real
22 important.
23 MR. CHANDLER: When you get down to
24 relationships like we — like really intimate ones,
25 okay?
2 MR. CHANDLER: Like you and I. I trust
3 you with my life.
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
5 MR. CHANDLER: And I know you trust me
6 too.
7 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
8 MR. CHANDLER: Okay? And with Moniquw, I
9 said, “That’s all I’m after.”
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: What does she say?
11 MR. CHANDLER: She said, “I understand.
12 That’s fine.” She said, “It’ll never happen. I
13 don’t know why you’re bringing it up, but if you’re
14 bringing it up, I won’t do it. Trust me. It won’t
15 happen.”
16 I said, “Okay. I’m just — I’m telling
17 you now ahead of time” —
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: That’s good
19 communication.
20 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah. I mean, I’m not
21 being embarrassed by it —
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
23 MR. CHANDLER: — I’m not keeping it
24 inside. I want to have a good marriage and a good
25 relationship
2 MR. CHANDLER: — and I know this is
3 one issue that bothers me, no matter who that girl
4 would be.
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
6 MR. CHANDLER: Okay? I’m not —
7 MR. SCHWARTZ: In any —
8 MR. CHANDLER: — (simultaneous,
9 inaudible) personal against her.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
11 MR. CHANDLER: It’s just with me. It’s
12 my problem, and so I’m letting her know that I have
13 a problem. I’m not hiding anything. I’d not
14 trying to be macho cool dude about it.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
16 MR. CHANDLER: And so if I wasn’t able
17 to talk to her, this marriage would have been over
18 a long time ago.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
20 MR. CHANDLER: Because [tape
21 irregularity] —
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Don’t we learn like
23 that?
24 MR. CHANDLER: Because of my
25 imagination, Dave.
1 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, but don’t we learn
2 through experiences —
3 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
4 inaudible) want to know what I really think? I
5 really think most people don’t learn. I think at
6 some point in our lives we develop behavior
7 patterns, and even if we know that they’re wrong we
8 just can’t break them.
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: You know —
10 MR. CHANDLER: Most people can’t change
11 their behaviors.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well —
13 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
14 inaudible) they are at a certain —
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yes and no, but I think
16 you get —
17 MR. CHANDLER: Look at you. Are you
18 going to change now because of what happened here?
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, interesting —
20 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
21 inaudible) be different? Is your marriage going to
22 be better? Are you going to — you know, you guys
23 have no right to be married. I told June that
24 myself many times. She would call me all the time
25 and say, “Did Dave call Kelly? Did Dave call
1 Jordy?”
2 No.
3 What kind of fucking marriage do you
4 guys have? Why don’t you guys just split up so he
5 could see his kids, at least —
7 MR. CHANDLER: You know, if he doesn’t
8 want to come over to the house because of you, then
9 get divorced so he could see his kids. There’s
10 nothing wrong with that. You know, you might be
11 better friends. She and I were better friends when
12 we [tape irregularity], and what I’m saying to her
13 is that if there’s no — if there’s no
14 communication, there’s no sense in being together
15 with anybody, whether it’s a marriage or a
16 friendship or a business relationship. If you
17 cannot sit down and talk [tape irregularity]
18 ultimately gonna destruct, and that’s what happened
19 here. They shut me out from the most important
20 thing in my life. In fact, I don’t have a life. I
21 don’t want to have a life [tape irregularity].
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: I understand it, too,
23 but I gotta tell you, in just talking to you this
24 time, see, Jordy’s copying me.
25 MR. CHANDLER: Well —
1 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, he’s positively
2 copying me. I mean, he’s been with both of us
3 since — I mean, I’ve had him since he’s — almost
4 as long as you have.
5 MR. CHANDLER: That’s right.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: And he’s —
7 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
8 inaudible) had him as long as he’s been cognizant
9 of the fact of who’s around him —
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right, so —
11 MR. CHANDLER: — learned a lot from
12 you.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, and one of the
14 things he learned, probably, was just to withdraw,
15 because I do it, but, you know, I’m not chastising
16 myself for it. I’m just looking at it objectively.
17 I mean, realistically. I mean, I would say —
18 MR. CHANDLER: You haven’t (inaudible)
19 and in some way it’s resonated throughout the
20 family —
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: — and partly been the
23 cause of all this happening.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right, but I mean he’s,
25 you know, he’s learned a lot of good things from
1 me.
2 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah, I’m sure he —
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: But, you know, I mean,
4 everyone’s not perfect.
5 MR. CHANDLER: No. Everyone’s not.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: But I think —
7 MR. CHANDLER: (Inaudible) expect
8 everyone to be, but you gotta expect people that
9 claim to love you to communicate with you because
10 if there’s communication there’s nothing.
11 What’s the sense of having your
12 relationship? People don’t even care enough about
13 you to — you tell them — I actually told June how
14 much I was hurting. I said —
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: — “I’m hurting, June.
17 I’m crying every day. I’m dying.”
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, but they’re going
19 through every —
20 MR. CHANDLER: Do you know what she
21 said to me?
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: What?
23 MR. CHANDLER: Well, that’s just too
24 bad.
25 Fuck that.
1 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, but you can’t — I
2 mean, you know June.
3 MR. CHANDLER: I can’t make excuses for
4 June.
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: There’s no way to
6 make — there’s nothing to make an excuse. I mean,
7 we all have our good points and our bad points, and
8 we all have things that —
9 MR. CHANDLER: I think, you know, her
10 bad points [tape irregularity] gone too far. I
11 really do.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: I think you gotta look
13 at the overall picture. I mean, now we’re
14 talking —
15 MR. CHANDLER: I am looking at — I’m
16 looking at Jordy’s picture. That’s the only
17 picture I’m looking at. I — June’s not part of
18 it.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: But do you think that —
20 MR. CHANDLER: I know that after
21 tomorrow — in fact, not even after tomorrow. It’s
22 already happened. I don’t ever want anything to do
23 with June anymore because June is not part of my
24 family. In my mind, she’s died. I don’t ever want
25 to talk to her again. [tape irregularity] sitting
1 on the stand being totally humiliated or at the end
2 of a shotgun. That’s the only way I want to see
3 June now. She’s gotta [tape irregularity] do this
4 to kid. Again, it’s not right. Can do it to me.
5 Can’t do it to my kid. It’s not right.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, do you think
7 that whatever’s happening, if you think it’s bad
8 for him, she’s done, you know, out of malice?
9 MR. CHANDLER: You want to know
10 something? You don’t even have to ask me. You
11 could — as you said before, you want to sit down
12 and talk to the people I spoke to —
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
14 MR. CHANDLER: — you’re going to have
15 a chance to do that if you want to. You go and ask
16 the experts —
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
18 MR. CHANDLER: — and you won’t have to
19 ask. They will be there anyway.
20 There’s not one person in this world
21 [tape irregularity] can’t find a person —
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: — disagree with me.
24 I’m the one that disagreed with — I
25 didn’t even want to know about it.
2 MR. CHANDLER: I kept saying, “No, this
3 is okay. There’s nothing wrong. This is great.”
4 It took experts to convince me [tape
5 irregularity] that by not taking action —
7 MR. CHANDLER: — my son was going to
8 be irreparably damaged for the rest of his life
9 [tape irregularity]. That was what I heard.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Because his friend is
11 older, or because of all the seduction?
12 MR. CHANDLER: Well, you know, age in
13 and of itself is not a harmful thing.
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
15 MR. CHANDLER: But it could have been
16 used to advantage, and in some ways Michael is
17 using his age and experience and his money and his
18 power to great advantage to Jordy. The problem is
19 he’s also harming him, greatly harming him, for his
20 own selfish reasons. He’s not the altruistic, kind
21 human being that he appears to be.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you think —
23 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
24 inaudible) selfish motives here.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: You mean, harming Jordy
1 because it’s taken him out of reality?
2 MR. CHANDLER: It’s not so much really
3 what he’s taken him out of. It’s what he’s brought
4 him into.
6 MR. CHANDLER: I mean, I don’t mean to
7 be devious. I just can’t be —
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: You can’t tell me.
9 MR. CHANDLER: — specific about it,
10 but I tell you that, again, it all comes down to
11 one thing. They don’t want to talk to me.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
13 MR. CHANDLER: Jordy — yeah, he’s 13
14 years old. He’s only [tape irregularity], hoping
15 that the problem will go away by itself, but June’s
16 old enough to know better.
17 June’s the one that’s frustrated me.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, you know, this is
19 the deal: I talked to Jordy about it today, about,
20 you know, his not contacting you and not calling
21 you on Father’s Day and not sending you anything.
22 He’s confused June — and this is the truth and
23 from him. June did everything to get him to send
24 you a card, to call and everything. He’s just
25 frustrated, you know, and I don’t know about what
1 or — you know, it’s just like he’s scared or
2 doesn’t know what to do or —
3 MR. CHANDLER: (Inaudible).
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: Pardon me?
5 MR. CHANDLER: June didn’t do a thing
6 to have him call me or send me a card by her own
7 admission to me last time. She didn’t give a shit,
8 is what she told me.
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, but I don’t
10 believe that because, I mean —
11 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
12 inaudible) told me.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Because, I mean —
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: With June and — I
16 talked to them today.
17 MR. CHANDLER: Well, then, she’s lying
18 to you, Dave.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, but would Jordy
20 lie?
21 MR. CHANDLER: Now they’re scared shit.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: No. Would Jordy — no,
23 because they don’t know anything about it. I
24 didn’t even tell them that I had talked to you this
25 morning, okay?
1 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
2 inaudible) them know you heard the message.
4 MR. CHANDLER: And what are you going
5 there all of a sudden? You haven’t been there —
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: Last night’s the first
7 night I’ve been there.
8 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah. By accident?
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, it’s Kelly’s
10 birthday. I mean, you know, I got — it’s tough
11 for me too. It’s not easy. I mean, you don’t
12 really know what’s going on with me, but, I mean,
13 it’s very, very, very difficult times for me.
14 MR. CHANDLER: So what?
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Very.
16 MR. CHANDLER: So what you’re saying is
17 that because of your problem you sacrifice the
18 kids.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, I did it —
20 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
21 inaudible) money all during —
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. I just — I
23 fucked up, but —
24 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah, you fucked up.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, but —
1 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
2 inaudible) I’m not fucking up —
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: — when you’re trying to
4 survive —
5 MR. CHANDLER: Hey, Dave, it doesn’t
6 matter. You want to know something? When my
7 father was dying of cancer —
9 MR. CHANDLER: — and he had — and he
10 got in a car crash that crushed his leg and his
11 spinal cord —
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
13 MR. CHANDLER: — at the same time and
14 he was in incredible pain —
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: — I used to talk to him
17 about it —
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
19 MR. CHANDLER: — and he would say,
20 “You know what?”
21 I’d say, “Why don’t you — you never
22 talk — you never talk about it, you never complain
23 to anybody.”
24 He said, “You know what? Because
25 everybody’s got their own problems, and nobody’s
1 gonna think that my problem’s any worse than their
2 problem.”
4 MR. CHANDLER: And so as bad as your
5 problem is [tape irregularity] it may not be on the
6 same scale, but emotionally, financially,
7 psychologically, it’s devastating me as much as
8 [tape irregularity].
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: And I accept that.
10 MR. CHANDLER: Okay.
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: But I — let me —
12 MR. CHANDLER: I’m telling you this:
13 That as bad as my life is, I’m willing to let it
14 get a lot worse —
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: — and sacrifice
17 whatever it is — and I don’t even consider it a
18 sacrifice — give up whatever it is so that my son
19 won’t be damaged.
20 You’re not willing to do that. You
21 fall apart just to save one of your kids [tape
22 irregularity] away from my practice, from my
23 family, from my wife, from Cody, from everybody
24 else, do whatever I have to do —
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: And you think that’ll
1 save Jordy? I mean, don’t you think there’s a
2 happy medium?
3 MR. CHANDLER: No. We’re not gonna
4 save him. June’s not gonna save him. Who’s gonna
5 save him? Gotta be me.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, do you really
7 think he has —
8 MR. CHANDLER: — one.
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: You don’t think it’s
10 just gonna run its course?
11 MR. CHANDLER: Dave . . .
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, you know more
13 than I know, so I’m at a disadvantage.
14 MR. CHANDLER: Well, then, I will tell
15 you without question. It’s gone way too far.
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
17 MR. CHANDLER: Jordy is never going to
18 be the same person he was.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
20 MR. CHANDLER: It’s never — by the
21 time it runs its course —
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: — if it does, he will
24 be so damaged he’ll never recover —
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
1 MR. CHANDLER: — and that’s not my
2 opinion. I mean, I happen to be believe it now
3 because my eyes have been opened —
5 MR. CHANDLER: — but I’m not the one
6 that first [tape irregularity], so what I’m saying
7 to you is that I’m acting because [tape
8 irregularity] I’m going to cause him great harm,
9 and you tell me if maybe it’s gonna cause him harm
10 right now. I think he’ll be harmed much greater if
11 I do nothing, and besides now I’m convinced that if
12 I do nothing I’m going to be, from doing nothing,
13 causing him harm, and I couldn’t —
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Did you discuss that
15 with Monique?
16 MR. CHANDLER: Not really.
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
18 MR. CHANDLER: I mean, I don’t want her
19 involved. I mean, she would just like the whole
20 thing to go away.
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: But we’ve had a nice
23 little relationship and a great new marriage and a
24 nice little family —
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
1 MR. CHANDLER: — and everything’s
2 terrific over here.
4 MR. CHANDLER: And, you know, I’ve
5 tried to explain to Cody why his brother doesn’t
6 call him and he doesn’t come over here. You know
7 [tape irregularity] whole world, and I’m not
8 exaggerating.
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: (Inaudible) Jordy.
10 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah. You ask Monique
11 when you speak to her if he doesn’t bring it up
12 every conversation —
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
14 MR. CHANDLER: — (simultaneous,
15 inaudible) out during the day.
16 Cody spent about two weeks crying his
17 eyes out. He’d have nightmares about Jordy. He’d
18 get up in the middle of the night and come crying
19 into our bed.
20 I’d listen to him talk, and I would
21 break down —
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: — and I couldn’t
24 even — I mean, I couldn’t even — I couldn’t — I
25 didn’t know what to say to him, you know? What can
1 you say?
3 MR. CHANDLER: It was the saddest thing
4 I [tape irregularity]. I mean, how do you do that?
5 13 years old. There’s no — you know, and a [tape
6 irregularity] just come into it?
7 I ask you this: If Michael Jackson
8 were just some 34-year-old person, would this be
9 happening? No. He’s got power, he’s got money,
10 he’s got seduction. [tape irregularity] happening
11 [tape irregularity] they’ve been seduced away from
12 the family by power and by money.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
14 MR. CHANDLER: And by this guy’s image.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: He could be the same
17 person without the power and the money, and they
18 wouldn’t even be talking to him. You know it and I
19 know it. So for power and money and his image,
20 June and Jordy have broken up the family, and even
21 though [tape irregularity] a lot better, because
22 I’ve sat down and talked to him, and I’ve told him
23 long before it came down to going this far —
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
25 MR. CHANDLER: — that Cody was really
1 hysterical about him.
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: And what does he say?
3 MR. CHANDLER: He said that he would,
4 you know, he would call him and he’d talk to him
5 and stuff, and he tried, you know.
7 MR. CHANDLER: As time went on, the
8 times between when he did call or see Cody got
9 longer and longer and longer and longer until [tape
10 irregularity] anymore.
11 And you know what? He would do the
12 same thing to Kelly. Kelly just happens to have to
13 come along because June has to happen to come
14 along —
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: — but if [tape
17 irregularity] now, June wouldn’t be in the picture
18 and neither would Kelly, any more than I am.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
20 MR. CHANDLER: They would have dumped
21 her a long time ago. They even told me [tape
22 irregularity]. They can’t stand her.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: Wait. Jordy can’t stand
24 June?
25 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah. Neither one of
1 them like her. They don’t like anybody but each
2 other.
4 MR. CHANDLER: They don’t like you, and
5 they don’t like me and they don’t like her. They
6 don’t want anybody coming between them. [tape
7 irregularity] got to be eliminated.
8 You go ahead and you see — you tell
9 June. You tell June to start saying “No” to
10 everything they want —
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: — and see what happens.
13 The only reason she’s there is because
14 she says “Yes” [tape irregularity] favorite as long
15 as I was saying “Yes.”
16 Trust me. I don’t know what’s happened
17 to Jordy except he doesn’t care, literally does not
18 care, if he would ever see him again. He hopes I
19 would go away and not bother him. That’s [tape
20 irregularity].
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, I know that’s not
22 true.
23 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
24 inaudible) Michael.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: I know that’s not true.
1 MR. CHANDLER: I’m telling you. But
2 that doesn’t matter, you know. I’m not taking it
3 personally. I’m just trying to do what I have been
4 led to believe is the right action to take so that
5 he’s not harmed.
6 I mean, Unfortunately, June and [tape
7 irregularity] because in order to protect Jordy
8 certain things are gonna have to come out, and
9 those two are not going to have any defense against
10 it whatsoever. They’re just going to be [tape
11 irregularity] violently destroyed.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you think that it
13 helps Jordy?
14 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah, it’ll help Jordy
15 because he won’t — he’ll never see Michael again.
16 That’s —
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, do you think
18 that —
19 MR. CHANDLER: And he’s probably never
20 gonna see June again if I have to go through with
21 this.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you think —
23 MR. CHANDLER: Unless I’d let him.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Do you think that would
25 affect him?
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: That he was — that this
3 was done by force?
4 MR. CHANDLER: You mean that Michael
5 did this to him?
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: No, that you, like, are
7 forcing him not to see someone or take him away
8 from his mom?
9 MR. CHANDLER: Well, I am gonna force
10 him not to see —
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, but do you think
12 that’s the right way to do it?
13 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah. I’ve been led to
14 believe that it’s the right thing to do.
15 In fact, it’s the right thing to do
16 because how do you know? You don’t know what —
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: I don’t have a clue.
18 MR. CHANDLER: Suppose you were to find
19 out what they’re doing and you were to agree with
20 me that these things that they’re doing are harmful
21 to Jordy or —
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: I’d like to know.
23 MR. CHANDLER: — be harmful.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, in my wildest
25 imagination I can’t figure out what it is.
1 MR. CHANDLER: Okay. But suppose —
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: Unless it’s sex, and I
3 don’t know, you know.
4 MR. CHANDLER: Suppose that you were to
5 find out that there were things going on that you
6 believed were harmful to him? Would you say to me,
7 “Hey, look. You know, I got things to do here
8 [tape irregularity], but, you know, time will go by
9 and everything will be okay”? I mean, that’s —
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: No. What I would
11 do — I’m not disagreeing with you.
12 MR. CHANDLER: Okay. Well, they won’t
13 talk to me about those things. They won’t talk to
14 me about anything.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Even about what you
16 think they’re doing or about what you know they’re
17 doing?
18 MR. CHANDLER: What I know they’re
19 doing.
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
21 MR. CHANDLER: I mean, I’ve tried to
22 talk to Jordy. Jordy — Jordy does not talk to me.
23 This stopped long before I told him he couldn’t
24 [tape irregularity]. He just does not talk to me
25 anymore. In fact, when he talks to Michael on the
1 telephone, he goes in another room because I’m not
2 allowed to hear what they’re talking about except I
3 taped [tape irregularity] they’re talking about.
4 Ha ha ha.
5 Anyway, all I’m saying is that [tape
6 irregularity] that I would be negligent to continue
7 to do nothing [tape irregularity] gonna be because
8 nobody really knows how Jordy will be affected one
9 way or the other.
10 I know for a fact that he’s going to be
11 affected adversely if I do nothing.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
13 MR. CHANDLER: So I have nothing to
14 lose.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Would you do me a big
16 favor?
17 MR. CHANDLER: What?
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Could you and I go to
19 one of these shrinks and talk it over?
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Why not?
22 MR. CHANDLER: Because it’s too late,
23 after 8:30 tomorrow.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: But why not? Why
25 couldn’t we go talk it over —
1 MR. CHANDLER: Because the thing’s
2 already — the thing has already been set in
3 motion.
5 MR. CHANDLER: It’s happening at 8:30.
6 8:36 tomorrow —
8 MR. CHANDLER: — it’s out of my hands.
9 I do nothing else again —
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
11 MR. CHANDLER: — after 8:36 tomorrow.
12 It’s all been automatically set in
13 motion.
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
15 MR. CHANDLER: I’m not even in contact
16 anymore —
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
18 MR. CHANDLER: — with this person.
19 This thing is —
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Let me ask you this,
21 then.
22 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
23 inaudible) 8:36, unless I call in —
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
25 MR. CHANDLER: — and tell him not to
1 do it.
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: So why don’t you call
3 and say not to do it?
4 MR. CHANDLER: Because I’m not going
5 to.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: Why? Why wouldn’t you
7 go with me? I mean, we trust each other. We
8 respect each other. Why couldn’t you go with me
9 and we’d decide together?
10 MR. CHANDLER: Because I don’t want to
11 talk to you about it.
13 MR. CHANDLER: I want to talk to June
14 and Jordy and Michael —
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, but why can’t you
16 talk to me? I mean, I’m — I could be very —
17 MR. CHANDLER: — be there tomorrow
18 and —
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Pardon me?
20 MR. CHANDLER: You can be there at the
21 meeting tomorrow, and you can get a chance to talk
22 to him —
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
24 MR. CHANDLER: — if you want to, but
25 if they don’t say, “Well, there’s not going to be a
1 meeting” —
3 MR. CHANDLER: — I want to talk to
4 them. I don’t want to talk to you.
6 MR. CHANDLER: Because you have had
7 your head buried in Rent A Wreck, and you have no
8 idea what’s going on —
10 MR. CHANDLER: — and just because you
11 all of a sudden decide to have some interest in
12 [tape irregularity] I don’t [tape irregularity]
13 going on. It will take you weeks to catch up —
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
15 MR. CHANDLER: — you’ll never know
16 what’s going on by explanation.
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
18 MR. CHANDLER: You’d have to have lived
19 it. You’d have to have witnessed it. Myself would
20 never have believed it —
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: — if I didn’t live
23 through it, see it and hear it.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
25 MR. CHANDLER: I would not have
1 believed it. And that’s all. I cannot take this
2 [tape irregularity] over to you because that’s the
3 only way you’re gonna know it.
5 MR. CHANDLER: The evidence is already
6 locked up in a safe place —
8 MR. CHANDLER: — and it’s gonna come
9 out only [tape irregularity] let it come out, and
10 that’s it. If they don’t talk to me tomorrow, out
11 it comes.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Okay. Well, but let me
13 ask you this- –
14 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
15 inaudible) Michael Jackson — Michael Jackson’s
16 career, Dave. This man is gonna be humiliated
17 beyond belief. You’ll not believe it. He will not
18 believe what’s going to happen to him.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
20 MR. CHANDLER: Beyond his worst
21 nightmares. [tape irregularity] not sell one more
22 record.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
24 MR. CHANDLER: That’s for sure. And I
25 mean I’m [tape irregularity] it just has to happen
1 in order to get — to keep [tape irregularity] and
2 it doesn’t have to happen if they show up tomorrow.
4 MR. CHANDLER: But if they don’t show
5 up — and I’ve made it very clear — I’ve tried to
6 make it really clear on that answering machine,
7 “This is the last chance to talk. If you talk, we
8 have a chance. If we don’t talk, it’s all over.”
9 It’s out of my hands. I mean, what
10 else can I do?
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: I don’t — you know, I
12 don’t —
13 MR. CHANDLER: What’s the disadvantage
14 to you if Michael Jackson’s destroyed and out of
15 the family? What good is he doing you?
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: What harms it — well,
17 it has nothing to — I’m only thinking of Jordy.
18 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
19 inaudible) come over to talk to you, you seemed
20 pretty damned upset that everybody was telling you
21 that Michael Jackson has taken your family away
22 from you. You even went so far as to tell me you
23 couldn’t get bank loans because of that [tape
24 irregularity] turn around completely 180 degrees.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: It’s not turning around
1 180.
2 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
3 inaudible) for Michael Jackson.
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: I’ll tell you what I’m
5 concerned about.
7 MR. SCHWARTZ: I’m concerned about
8 Jordy.
9 MR. CHANDLER: Well, if you were
10 concerned about Jordy, you should have been around
11 a long time ago, because I have been.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
13 MR. CHANDLER: Where have you been?
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, I’ve been there
15 plenty for him. I mean, in the 13 years I’ve been
16 there a lot.
17 MR. CHANDLER: I agree —
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: I would say —
19 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
20 inaudible) day —
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: I would say this: So I
22 made a few mistakes, but —
23 MR. CHANDLER: Why —
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: I can’t condemn myself
25 for it.
1 MR. CHANDLER: Well, why all of a
2 sudden do you not want to be there?
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: Did I not want to be
4 there?
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: Because I’ve been in a
7 survival mode.
8 MR. CHANDLER: Oh, okay.
9 MR. SCHWARTZ: And, you know —
10 MR. CHANDLER: The fact of the matter
11 is —
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: You know, you do what
13 you have to do, and sometimes you make the wrong
14 move, and sometimes your emotions make you do it,
15 and sometimes it’s just — it’s the way that you
16 face it. Sometimes you —
17 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
18 inaudible) survival mode, and so you’re doing what
19 you’re doing, and I’m not in a survival mode. I’m
20 trying for him to survive —
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, what I —
22 MR. CHANDLER: — doing what I think —
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: I’ll tell you what. I
24 would die for that kid. I mean, I have — you
25 don’t know what I’ve done for that kid.
1 MR. CHANDLER: Easy to say that, Dave,
2 but when you tell me you’re in a survival mode so
3 you can’t pay attention to your children, it
4 doesn’t jive with “I would die for that kid.”
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: Wait. I’m ashamed of
6 that. I’m not proud of that, but when you —
7 MR. CHANDLER: I mean, how do you — I
8 mean, which of those two statements should I choose
9 to believe, because they’re both entirely opposite
10 each other?
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well —
12 MR. CHANDLER: “I would die for that
13 kid” or “I’m” —
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: If I had —
15 MR. CHANDLER: — “in a survival mode
16 and I” —
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: I would do anything for
18 Jordy. I would lose everything. I would die for
19 Jordy. That’s the bottom line.
20 MR. CHANDLER: Then why don’t you just
21 back me up right now and let’s get rid of Michael
22 Jackson.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: Because I don’t know the
24 facts.
25 MR. CHANDLER: Okay. Well, when you
1 know —
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, I don’t —
3 MR. CHANDLER: Okay. When you know the
4 facts, when you see the facts come out, then you’ll
5 make a decision at that point.
6 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right. That’s fair.
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, that’s more than
9 fair, but this — let me —
10 MR. CHANDLER: It’s unfortunately gonna
11 be too late, then, and nothing’s gonna matter at
12 that point.
14 MR. CHANDLER: Because the fact is so
15 fucking overwhelming —
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah?
17 MR. CHANDLER: — that everybody’s
18 going to be destroyed in the process.
19 The facts themselves are gonna — once
20 this thing starts rolling —
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: — the facts themselves
23 are gonna overwhelm. It’s gonna be bigger than all
24 of us put together, and the whole thing’s just
25 gonna crash down on everybody and destroy everybody
1 in its sight. That’s [tape irregularity]
2 humiliating, believe me.
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. And is that good?
4 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah. It’s great.
6 MR. CHANDLER: Great, because —
7 MR. SCHWARTZ: I mean, is that how
8 you’re —
9 MR. CHANDLER: Because June and Jordy
10 and Michael —
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: — have forced me to
13 take it to the extreme —
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
15 MR. CHANDLER: — to get their
16 attention. How pitiful, pitifuckingful they are to
17 have done that. I’ve tried to get their
18 attention —
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
20 MR. CHANDLER: — I’ve cried on the
21 phone, I’ve talked on the phone —
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: — I have begged on the
24 phone, and all I get back is, “Go fuck yourself” on
25 the phone, and so now I’m still trying to get their
1 attention until 8:30 tomorrow for their [tape
2 irregularity], and I will know that even having
3 gone this far they won’t talk to me, then I know
4 that I’m absolutely right in doing what I’m doing
5 because they have left me no other [tape
6 irregularity]. I am not allowed to talk to [tape
7 irregularity], and so since they’re sending me that
8 message and telling me that —
10 MR. CHANDLER: — they leave me no
11 choice. They will not let me say to them, “This is
12 what’s bothering me, and this is what I’d like to
13 do about it. What do you think?”
14 They’re saying, “We don’t care what you
15 have to think — say about [tape irregularity].”
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: You mean by no
17 communication?
18 MR. CHANDLER: Am I supposed to just
19 bury my head? No. Not when my kid’s involved.
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
21 MR. CHANDLER: I can’t. So it’s their
22 fault. Everything’s their fault, one hundred
23 percent, and the reason it’s their fault [tape
24 irregularity] try to communicate, and they have
25 time after time frustrated my attempts to talk by
1 telling me, “Go fuck yourself.”
2 And when you do that to somebody,
3 consistently, you drive them to do something [tape
4 irregularity]. I’m not an evil person. I don’t
5 want to do this.
7 MR. CHANDLER: It’s their fault because
8 they won’t talk. They have one more chance. I’ve
9 told them this. That’s why I left that message.
10 The message was very harsh [tape irregularity] and
11 it was very true, and it was to let them know that
12 I am not kidding around.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
14 MR. CHANDLER: I’m begging them. That
15 message was begging, one more time —
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
17 MR. CHANDLER: — to sit down and talk
18 and saying basically, “I don’t want to hurt you,
19 but you’re not leaving me any choice.”
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
21 MR. CHANDLER: And, you know, if they
22 choose to ignore it, for whatever their
23 motives — June doesn’t ignore things for the
24 same — she doesn’t bury her head in the sand and
25 make believe it’s gonna go away.
2 MR. CHANDLER: June usually will call
3 you up and say, “Go fuck yourself and drop dead” —
5 MR. CHANDLER: — and she’ll get
6 violent and all that, maybe even punch you in the
7 face.
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, that’s not so bad.
9 MR. CHANDLER: That’s right, and yet
10 she’s not calling me —
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: — she’s not doing
13 anything. She’s not talking either. So Michael’s
14 not talking either. The three of them, completely
15 different personalities —
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
17 MR. CHANDLER: — handle situations in
18 three completely different ways, and yet none of
19 the three of them is calling me.
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
21 MR. CHANDLER: You can tell me that
22 Jordy’s burying his head in the sand and that’s his
23 reaction [tape irregularity]. What’s the other two
24 excuses? I don’t know. They won’t even tell me
25 what their excuse for not talking to me is. I
1 don’t even — I can’t make an excuse for —
2 MR. SCHWARTZ: Michael, I can’t tell
3 you. June, she doesn’t know what’s going on.
4 MR. CHANDLER: Well, of course she
5 doesn’t know what’s going on. She wouldn’t let me
6 tell her.
7 MR. SCHWARTZ: But she doesn’t going
8 on — know what’s going on —
9 MR. CHANDLER: I did tell her once.
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
11 MR. CHANDLER: I did tell her once what
12 my thoughts were about it.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
14 MR. CHANDLER: And she said, “Go fuck
15 yourself,” basically.
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Does this —
17 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
18 inaudible) she said — I do remember ’cause I wrote
19 it on a piece of paper.
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
21 MR. CHANDLER: It shocked me so much
22 coming from her mouth that I actually wrote it
23 down, verbatim, in quotes.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
25 MR. CHANDLER: That this human being
1 would say something like that about her own kid,
2 and so now that I know that she feels that way
3 about [tape irregularity] no reason why I should
4 assume that she gives a shit about me, so —
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, you know she cares
6 about you.
7 MR. CHANDLER: Well, you know, that
8 doesn’t matter anymore. June is nonexistent.
9 If — I have no — I have nothing for her anymore.
10 I will never talk to her again, ever. Never.
11 She’s a horrible human being, and it’s all gonna
12 come out, and I don’t even have to say that [tape
13 irregularity]. I’ll let everybody make their own
14 decision.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: June is a horrible,
17 selfish human being. [tape irregularity], and now
18 I find this out about how [tape
19 irregularity] — it’s all over. And if they’re
20 stupid enough not to talk to me tomorrow, well,
21 they’re going to have —
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, I think they want
23 to talk to you, and I want to talk to you.
24 MR. CHANDLER: Well, then they
25 should —
1 MR. SCHWARTZ: But when it comes with a
2 threat, I mean, that’s what’s upsetting to me.
3 MR. CHANDLER: Well, that’s too bad.
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: Well, why?
5 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
6 inaudible) supposed to do to get someone’s
7 attention? I say, “I am begging you to talk to
8 me.”
10 MR. CHANDLER: That doesn’t work. So
11 then you cry hysterically on the phone, “I’m in so
12 much pain because I’m losing” —
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: Who did you say
14 that — who was that to?
15 MR. CHANDLER: To June.
16 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, and how long ago
17 was that?
18 MR. CHANDLER: Oh, three weeks, maybe.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
20 MR. CHANDLER: And then you call up and
21 you say, “I demand to talk to him.”
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: None of that works.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
25 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
1 inaudible) get the same response. I mean, no
2 emotion from the other side whatsoever.
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: Uh-huh.
4 MR. CHANDLER: Nothing.
6 MR. CHANDLER: Except the coldest
7 response you can possibly imagine, okay?
9 MR. CHANDLER: And maybe it’s because
10 she’s insecure. I don’t care anymore —
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: I cared at the time. I
13 mean, I was totally shocked that she would respond
14 that way to me. I couldn’t believe it. Okay? So
15 I know that I have tried in every way. I’ve
16 appealed to her in every way I know how. I’ve
17 appealed to her intelligence, I’ve appealed to her
18 emotions, and so I’ve done every — I’ve gotten on
19 the ground and I’ve groveled in front of her. I’ve
20 gone so far as to tell her that her son is in
21 danger.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: None of it made a
24 difference, none of it, and so what else am I
25 supposed to do to get their attention?
2 MR. CHANDLER: If I didn’t care, Dave,
3 I wouldn’t have left that message.
4 MR. SCHWARTZ: Right.
5 MR. CHANDLER: I just would have gone
6 and done whatever I wanted to do —
8 MR. CHANDLER: — and they’d have
9 gotten the shock of their life —
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
11 MR. CHANDLER: — that all of a sudden
12 would have appeared out of nowhere, and then their
13 whole lives would be forever different and forever
14 bad.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: I have nothing to gain
17 by talking to them tomorrow. All that can happen
18 tomorrow is that I’m gonna look at their faces and
19 I’m gonna feel bad —
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
21 MR. CHANDLER: — and I’m gonna
22 mitigate my position. I’m gonna give in somewhat
23 [tape irregularity] I just went ahead and did what
24 I was gonna do, I don’t ever have to see them
25 again —
2 MR. CHANDLER: — they’re automatically
3 gonna be destroyed and I’m gonna get what I want.
4 That’s a given [tape irregularity], so —
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: But, I mean, is that the
6 way to get Jordy?
7 MR. CHANDLER: — talk to them — I’m
8 talking to them for their sake —
10 MR. CHANDLER: — mine. This is my
11 fourth, fifth and last attempt to communicate.
12 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
13 MR. CHANDLER: So when I leave a
14 threatening message, I am threatening them —
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: — because nothing else
17 works. Crying didn’t work. Begging didn’t work.
18 Intelligence didn’t work.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
20 MR. CHANDLER: Appealing to the
21 motherly [tape irregularity] nothing worked. So
22 what else is left? You threaten. If that doesn’t
23 work, you’ve basically tried everything there is
24 that you could possibly try.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
1 MR. CHANDLER: I didn’t threaten him
2 physically. I didn’t say I was going to kill them.
3 Michael can show up with all his bodyguards with
4 guns and surround me if he wants to.
6 MR. CHANDLER: I’m not killing anybody
7 tomorrow. It’s not the next step. His death is
8 not the next (inaudible), so I mean I will talk to
9 them tomorrow, but that’s for their — they can’t
10 possibly feel threatened.
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: That’s bullshit. I
13 didn’t threaten them physically in any way, and
14 certainly Michael’s got enough [tape irregularity]
15 lawyers (inaudible). He has Burt Fields, who’s a
16 big hotshot, if he wants to, sit right there. I
17 don’t give a shit.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
19 MR. CHANDLER: Whatever, you know, is
20 going to make them protected from my great threat.
21 I’m showing up all by my little self, and they can
22 show up with an entire army if they need to protect
23 themselves from me, but there’s nothing that they
24 can do to convince me that they’re not showing up
25 because they’re afraid for their lives.
2 MR. CHANDLER: They could show up [tape
3 irregularity] surrounded by bodyguards. He could
4 certainly have them come over to June’s house, so
5 [tape irregularity] threat was obviously the last
6 (inaudible).
7 I’ve never punched anybody. I’ve never
8 shot anybody. I’ve never done anything violent in
9 my life. There’s no reason why they should feel
10 physically threatened. Never ever given them any
11 indication that I [tape irregularity] Jordy, so,
12 you know, they know that that threat’s [tape
13 irregularity] to be fearful of that. They know
14 that that [tape irregularity] and they know that I
15 left it because there’s no other way to get ahold
16 of them.
17 MR. SCHWARTZ: That’s fair.
18 MR. CHANDLER: I mean, I think it’s
19 fair.
20 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah. Let me ask you
21 this question. I mean, I definitely want to be
22 there.
23 MR. CHANDLER: That’s fine.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Can we do it at night?
25 MR. CHANDLER: No. Has to be —
1 MR. SCHWARTZ: Why not? Why does it
2 have to be in the morning?
3 MR. CHANDLER: Because it’s too late at
4 night.
5 MR. SCHWARTZ: It doesn’t have to be
6 late —
7 MR. CHANDLER: I have to have the
8 regular business hours. I need as many business
9 hours —
10 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
11 MR. CHANDLER: — if it doesn’t go my
12 way to get the wheels going.
13 MR. SCHWARTZ: But what time are you
14 ready to — what time are you through work
15 tomorrow —
16 MR. CHANDLER: The wheels roll at 8:36
17 if they’re not there.
18 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, but can you do
19 that for me, make it later?
20 MR. CHANDLER: (Simultaneous,
21 inaudible) do it. I can’t. You don’t have to be
22 there.
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: But I want to —
24 MR. CHANDLER: — tape record it. You
25 can hear it all.
1 MR. SCHWARTZ: But I want to be there.
2 MR. CHANDLER: Well, then you have to
3 be there at 8:30. It’s already set.
5 MR. CHANDLER: There are other people
6 involved that are waiting for my phone call that
7 are intentionally going to be in certain
8 positions —
10 MR. CHANDLER: — [tape irregularity].
11 I paid them to do it. They’re doing their job. I
12 gotta just go ahead and follow through on the time
13 zone.
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Um-hmm.
15 MR. CHANDLER: I mean the time set out.
16 Everything is going according to a certain plan
17 that isn’t just mine. There’s other people
18 involved —
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: How about 8:37?
20 MR. CHANDLER: Nope. 8:31 is not even
21 going to work.
22 I mean, they’re going to
23 have — they’re going to have to be there or not be
24 there. It’s up to them what happens now. I mean,
25 it’s not going to be [tape irregularity] whether
1 they’re there or not.
3 MR. CHANDLER: But if they are there,
4 it’s going to be far better than if they’re
5 not — I mean, they’re going to have a chance to
6 make things a lot better if they’re there.
7 My instructions were to kill and
8 destroy [tape irregularity], I’m telling you. I
9 mean, and by killing and destroying, I’m going to
10 torture them, Dave.
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: Because that’s what June
13 has done to me. She has tortured me —
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
15 MR. CHANDLER: — and she’s gonna know
16 that you can’t [tape irregularity].
17 I’ll tell you one thing that Jordy has
18 no idea about, and that’s what love means. He
19 doesn’t even have the remotest idea. He can’t
20 learn it from June. She doesn’t know what it
21 means. She has no conception of what it means.
22 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
23 MR. CHANDLER: So maybe, you know, I
24 can get (inaudible) teach him that. I don’t know.
25 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah [tape
1 irregularity].
2 MR. CHANDLER: Part of it [tape
3 irregularity] other people and communicating, and
4 those are three things that must be in place in
5 order for a loving relationship to exist, because
6 all of those things show that you care about that
7 other person. Not one thing [tape irregularity].
8 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah, but it was there.
9 MR. CHANDLER: No, I don’t think it
10 ever was, now that I —
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: — look at her behavior,
13 I’m just saying that June is a brilliant and
14 pathologic personality.
15 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
16 MR. CHANDLER: What you see on the
17 surface ain’t even remotely related to what’s
18 really going on underneath.
19 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
20 MR. CHANDLER: And I believe that that
21 will come out in lie detector [tape irregularity]
22 psychological evaluations —
23 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
24 MR. CHANDLER: — which they’re all
25 gonna have to do.
3 MR. SCHWARTZ: And you think that’s
4 good for Jordy?
5 MR. CHANDLER: I think that in the long
6 run would — of course it’s not the best thing for
7 Jordy.
9 MR. CHANDLER: The best thing for Jordy
10 would be for everybody to sit there and peaceably
11 resolve amongst themselves [tape irregularity], but
12 because they’re not willing to do that, I’m not
13 allowed to have a say in what the best [tape
14 irregularity]. I’m not even allowed to [tape
15 irregularity] Jordy is. I’m not allowed to have a
16 say in anything about Jordy. So when you ask me
17 that question [tape irregularity] I would welcome
18 them to do that, but they don’t care. They don’t
19 care about what I think, so they don’t ask me that
20 question. Do I think — I mean, just to answer
21 your question, I think that [tape irregularity] for
22 Jordy either way in the short [tape irregularity],
23 in the short term.
24 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
25 MR. CHANDLER: I think in the long term
1 he’s got a [tape irregularity] a chance of being a
2 happy human being if I do what I have to do than if
3 I let things go the way they are.
4 Could a compromise be worked out?
5 Possibly.
7 MR. CHANDLER: Yeah. Let them convince
8 me as to why [tape irregularity] tell me I’m wrong.
9 Let them show me how Jordy’s benefitting and not
10 being harmed. They got their chance.
11 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
12 MR. CHANDLER: If they don’t want it,
13 they haven’t wanted to take it before.
14 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
15 MR. CHANDLER: They’ve had four or five
16 times that I’ve called them [tape irregularity]
17 haven’t wanted to get in a conversation with me
18 about it, and I believe they don’t want to get in a
19 conversation with me about it is because they know
20 they can’t defend their position.
21 MR. SCHWARTZ: Yeah.
22 MR. CHANDLER: [tape irregularity] to
23 cut — I mean, I’m young, I’m really liberal. As
24 far as I’m concerned, anybody could do anything
25 they want. That’s my philosophy. You guys can do
1 whatever you want. Just be happy. Don’t get hurt.
2 So . . .
3 (End of Tape 1, Side B.)