Most people think that Neverland was a happy, joyful place dedicated to the innocence and joy of childhood. One only has to look at the material seized in the police raid in 2003 to realise that it wasn’t very child friendly at all. Gay porn, straight porn, drugs, books favored by pedophiles, photographs of semi naked boys – the list goes on and on. Click the link for the whole list…
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Michael Jackson’s porn collection (discussed in depth – NSFW)
Full list of Michael Jackson’s porn (also NSFW)
This is only a partial list of what was found in the Neverland search.
I emphasize that: a partial list.
I’ve summarized the official descriptions of these pieces of evidence, hence the numerous elipses.
A few points of interest to note:
1. Contrary to fan claims, a number of nudie male materials were found. Remember, this is just part of the list, it doesn’t include, for instance, some of the nude guy materials we already know about.
2. MJ had Macauley’s photo in his _bathroom_. Where a lot of his porn was found (plus some bottles of booze not included in this particular list). This, fans, is the bathroom used by the boys who spent time in MJ’s bedroom.
3. The cops retrieved a couple of bags containing, among other things, bloody bedsheets and nine pairs of men’s underwear from the *library area of the upstairs video/arcade room*!
4. This partial list goes far to illustrate how Neverland was _loaded_ with porn. They found it everywhere. Note that most of it was freely available to kids. Very little was locked up.
5. Check out the drug stuff. It’s well known that MJ has a substance abuse problem, and that he’s hooked on Xanax. Look at all the prescriptions found in other people’s names. Note that his bestest, most favorite DERMATOLOGIST buddy doctor – Dr. Arnold Klein – wrote a prescription for Xanax for MJ’s dear friend Frank Tyson, which was found in MJ’s possession. What’s a dermatologist doing writing a scrip for mood-altering drug?
Also note that a Las Vegas physician wrote two other scrips for Xanax, *neither* of which were in MJ’s name, but both of which were found in his possession.
And Dr. Klein wrote another prescription for another person whose given address was actually that of a television production company!
Plus the syringe. Plus the ‘unidentified substance’ which was sent off to the state lab for testing.
Plus the letter from MJ’s physician about detox programs.
Put it all together and what do you get?
Here we go:
Item number 301…five DVD media covers…the covers indicated the contents were films from the Hustler ‘Barely Legal’ series…
…Item number 302 was described as a pornographic magazine located within the master bathroom at the Neverland Ranch residence. …I found it to be a periodical entitled, ‘The Best of Club’…
…Item number 303..three books that contained nude photographs, found in the master bedroom within the Neverland Ranch… …the first book was… titled Scenes D’Interieur…The book consisted of a compilation of photographs of nude and/or semi-nude women, in sexually explicit poses.
…The second book was…Camp Cove – Photos Sydney Men… the book was a compilation of naked and semi-naked men…
…The third book was…titled Dressup: Playacts and Fantasies of Childhood. …This book appeared to be a compilation of photographs that appeared to depict either pre-teen or early teen age individuals. Some of the pictured children were nude and/or semi-nude.
…Item Number 304. This item was described as being two pornographic magazines and two nude art books found in the master bathroom at the Neverland Ranch. …The Gynoids appeared to have a fetish (bondage, sadomasochism, piercings, etc.) related theme.
…Item number 305…a photograph of Macauley Culkin, which was located in the master bathroom…
…Item number 306…a pornographic magazine located within a metal brief case in the master bathroom…
…Item number 307…a book, which contained nude photographs of men…found in the master bathroom…titled Bidgood…a compilation of photographs of nude and semi-nude men.
…Item Number 309…a black leather bag, which contained pornographic magazines and pornographic DVDs.
…Within a separate compartment within this front portion of the briefcase…a 5cc syringe (no needle).
…On the reverse side of the briefcase was a compartment that contained miscellaneous loose papers and envelopes.
…There was a postcard depicting young boys (clothed) lined up at a urinal.
…The main compartment contained miscellaneous paperwork, pornographic periodicals…and two DVD cases that appeared to contain pornographic material…the first DVD was titled Michael Ryan’s Believe It Or Not…the second DVD was titled Sloppy Dogs Presents: Fuck Me, I’m A Bad Girl.
…a letter from a student Councilor/Teacher…wrote of a desire to bring a group of children to California for the purposes of meeting with Michael Jackson.
…a greeting card from Erma J. Lardydell…the writer indicated she sang with Michael Jackson and provided the name of her son, Prince Alba, who was thirteen years of age…
…The final items within this compartment were the May 2002 issue of Gallery and the September 2002 issue of Gallery.
Item Number 313…a book that contained nude photographs. This item was located in the master bathroom…This book was titled Naked As A Jaybird…some of the pictures depicted sexually explicit activities.
…Item Number 505. This item was described as being three books with photographs of nude and partially clothed children. This item was found in the downstairs cellar area of the video/arcade area.
Item number 508…a book depicting nude children…titled The Fourth Sex, Adolescent Extremes…some of the pictures depicted individuals wearing no clothing, or in a state of partial dress…
Item Number 509…a book…titled Cronos…the book appeared to be a compilation of numerous photographs depicting men, women, and children of both sexes…the majority of the photographs depicted the subjects completely unclothed, including the male and female children…
…Item Number 510…two bags of miscellaneous underclothes and bloodied bed linen…located in the upstairs library room of the video/arcade area. The Disneyland bag contained a red Prada brand, long-sleeve shirt…I also found the bag to contain a white cotton sheet with reddish brown stains on it, which I believed were consistent with blood staining. The Garden City Hotel bag had a white Harbor Bay long-sleeved cotton shirt; a folded cotton bed sheet…and numerous pairs of size 30 cotton briefs…in total, there were nine pair of men’s cotton brief underwear. Some of the briefs had discolorations and/or stains, but all pairs appeared to have been washed.
Item number 514…the glass vial…seemed to contain remnants of a substance…submitted to the California…Crime Laboratory…
Item Number 515…medicine bottles, found in the upstairs library room of the video arcade area…four prescription bottles…
…the first bottle indicated the prescription was prescribed to a subject named Michael Armstrong…the prescription was for Percocet…
…the second bottle…to Peter Midani…it should be noted this address was also associated with a Grace Rwarambu (the nanny) …the location is actually a television production company…prescribing physician was a Dr. Klein…contained Prednisone…
…third bottle prescribed to ‘M.M.’…contents were…’Erytab’…
…fourth bottle indicated the intended recipient of the prescription was Frank Tyson…Dr. Arnold Klein…Beverly Hills…prescribed this medication…The prescription was for Alprazolam …
Item Number 518…prescription paperwork…a prescription for Frank Tyson…for Alprazolam…prescribing physician was Dr. William VanValin…a prescription for a Manuel Rivera…for Xanax…the prescribing physician was a Dr. William VanValin.
Item Number 349…paperwork found within the master bathroom…letter is addressed to ‘Dearest MJ’…the letter indicated it was from Dr. Farshchian…The letter pertains to a ‘program’ for outpatient detoxification…
Item Number 1001…Barely Legal magazine…found in the museum/office area…
Item number 1002…a magazine, found in the museum/office area…the December 2002 issue of ‘Naughty Neighbors’…
Item #365…two hardbound books…’Robert Maxwell Photographs’…’The Christy Report Exploring The Outer Edges of the Sexual Experience’…
Item Number 366…several books and magazines…located within the master bedroom/den area…
…five copies of ‘The Nudist’…contained nude photographs of men, women, and children…
…19 copies of ‘The Nudist, Sunshine and Health’…contained photographs of nude men, women, and children…
…one magazine titled ‘Solair Universelle Day Nudisme’…contained photographs of nude men, women, and children…
…a magazine titled ‘American Sunbather’…contained photographs of nude men, women, and children…
…three issues of ‘Eden’…contained photographs of nude men, women, and children…
…a softcover book…titled Man, a Sexual Study of Man…depicted naked males engaged in sexually explicit activities including oral copulation and anal sex…
…a softcover book…titled Taormina Wilhelm Von Gloeden…a compilation of photographs, which depicted both adult and juvenile males, who were posed in the nude…
…a softcover book…titled The Golden Age Of Neglect…the sexual behavior depicted in this book contained photography which depicted both male and female subjects, in various stages of undress, including full nudity. Some of the photographs depicted sexually explicit activity, including oral sex, masturbation, and digital penetration…the subjects appear to be within the age range of late adolescence to early adults…
…hard cover book…titled Before the Hand of Man…a compilation of photographs which depict nude males… hard cover book…titled Bob and Rod…a compilation of photographs of two adult males, who for the most part, were pictured in full and partial nudity…
MJ once wrote a note to his late sister-in-law:
“Dee Dee Please read this article about child malestation [sic] and please read it to Taj, T.S. and Tarryl [her children]. It brings out how even your own reletives [sic] can be malesters [sic] of children, or even uncle or aunts malesting [sic] nephew or nieces. Please read.